Alexiis, April 2, 2011
me share with you something that has me a few years ago past, it is incomprehensible, but thanks to a deep inner work I was able to solve.
The loss of the soul is something that can happen to anyone and therefore I want to convey a little more information.
The soul is pure energy, it is our lifeblood, our strength, our personal power. The soul is the principle of life, no soul, no life. In the shamanic perspective, part of our vital essence can split and lost in a non-ordinary reality. Shamans see the disease as a lost soul or a decrease in the essential spiritual energy.
A shock can cause a loss of vital energy. The shock is an unpleasant event that causes a portion of the soul of a person off and get lost.
soul loss is the loss of critical parts that are lost due to trauma and who has suffered the greatest trauma is the child who lives within us. When we experience trauma, especially in childhood, a part of our vital essence can be separated from us to survive the experience and to escape the pain and the psychological impact that involves an experience unbearable.
The loss of the soul or a part of it may be caused by any traumatic experience. We do not know how this occurs, the fact is that some of the energy of the soul leaving the individual fragments. When this happens, the person is complete and the part that was lost in another reality or unwilling to return.
By losing this piece of the energy person loses his strength, personal power and that means it also loses its natural protection. His shield vibration protection and will not be as effective as it should be. From the moment a part of the soul is gone, the person is weakened, devitalized, depressed and be more vulnerable to disease and the triggering of intrusive powers, including any lost souls and spiritual entities.
is important to understand here that the party has been not on what we know as the subconscious or unconscious. It is not just an ego split or dissociated. The fragment that was simply not here. In the shamanic concept, the parties life of self that have been isolated can become trapped in a non-ordinary reality or they may have found more pleasurable worlds where they want to be or may have been lost in another dimension and do not know how to return.
Part of healing is to retrieve those parts in the ordinary world and returned to the true owner. Below give some indication of what may be tried on a personal level.
soul loss is the result of traumas such as sexual abuse, child abuse and corporal punishment, loss of a loved one, neglect or parental separation, divorce, surgery, accidents, major illness, torture, kidnapping, death threats, abortion, war experiences, addiction and failure or frustrated love. The coma is an extreme example of soul loss and sexual abuse, especially if it occurs in childhood, is one of the traumas that most often causes the loss of the soul.
A child can not do anything about it, can not defend, can not help, can not understand what is happening, and most often has no one to tell. The only remedy is out of body soul and not return to it for the simple reason that it is dangerous to be in that body.
If a person has been raped, but only occurred once, it is almost certain that some of she's gone and lost in another dimension. Any situation that resembles a violation, although it is not sexual abuse, involves the potential risk of loss of part of the soul.
As I mentioned, there may be loss of the soul during pregnancy or at birth. There are people who say "I do not feel at all here," or is "like do not belong to the earth" or "as if it were always absent." Without knowing it, are expressing more intuitively true reality of what we believe.
At the same time, the loss of the soul represents the feeling of being full and empty. The shamans say that the universe does not support a vacuum and that the space created in the aura of a person can be held by the disease or other energies. It is also said that the trauma produced something like black holes in the vibrational field of the person concerned. Not that they are real holes, but that's how he sees the seer in the aura of the person. Those holes
work like a vacuum pump, absorbing all energies for the sole purpose of filling the gap created by the trauma. The unconscious tendency is to fill that empty space and with entertainment, drugs, alcohol, compulsive sex and of course, lost souls.
Based on all that we can better understand how our vibrational field may be affected in its entirety making us vulnerable to the actions of any energy from other dimensions. This includes not only lost souls, but also thoughts and psychic energies of living people, which in popular parlance is known as the bad vibes or bad vibes.
All unhealed traumatic experience is the universal cause of the loss of the integrity of our vibrational field shield with the consequent vulnerability to the action of intrusive energies. This can occur in childhood, adolescence and into adulthood, but when the trauma occurs before the seventh year involves also the strong possibility that the soul leaves the body to avoid pain.
output and soul loss can occur at any time of life, but is more likely to occur in children because the incarnation has not yet been completed, which should be at seven years old. As part of the energy is gone and has not returned to the field of child protection, it is weakened, suitable for the invasion of lost souls or other intrusive energy. It's like leaving the abandoned house, an invitation for holding a resident intruder.
As an example, imagine an extreme case: the person has refused to be born, which means that part of his energy down the body at birth. Later, at the age of four, was sexually abused. Because of this fact another part of his soul and left never to return, at age eight his grandfather dies, his real emotional support in life. The death of the grandfather he asks: "Grandpa, take me," and there's another part of the soul. Today, that person is fifty years, their vibrational field is a sieve, through which come all kinds of energy and, despite the years, is not complete. He is not here with all his presence and is more than likely that, in addition to carrying them lost souls, also has difficulties in carrying out their projects for the simple reason that it has no power to do so.
Speaking of trauma, we must not ignore the fact that unresolved traumatic experiences of past lives also leave an area of \u200b\u200bweakness in the vibrational field. And even when the soul is gone, unresolved trauma is as if one had an open wound on which fly resting with the consequences that are easy to imagine.
surgical interventions, especially if performed under general anesthesia, are also a welcome opportunity for lost souls adhere and invade a person's vibrational field.
Any operation of magnitude causes what is known as stress, shock or trauma. The physical body responds to this trauma with physiological mechanisms of adaptation and compensation. In launching this response the body consumes large amounts of vital energy, which implies that the natural protection of the person will be inevitably undermined. To this we must add that as a result of general anesthesia, the soul is externalized, ie it follows the body, but we can never know beforehand what the magnitude of this release.
may be mild and that the soul is hovering only slightly above the body, while observed the operation and then return to it, it is also possible that the release is greater and that the soul passes to a non-ordinary reality which can not return or may not want to return. He opened his eyes the person regains consciousness, but a part of its essence is not there. This further aggravates the weakness of the vibratory field, which facilitates the entry of intrusive energies. Perhaps, while they were operating at the person in question, in the operating room next door died, another took the opportunity to get into the vibratory field of someone younger.
In particular, long illnesses create vulnerability in this regard and also cause a vibratory field weakening for vital energy. Any condition that involves vital energy, and consequently, decreased vibratory field of protection, facilitate the entry of lost souls.
habits of the people are another consideration. In particular addiction to snuff, alcohol and narcotic drugs, facilitate the invasion and the triggering of intrusive energies. This kind of rancid easily and also volatilizes to imbue our vibrational field, end up damaging and weakening. With only adhere to the magnetic aura of a person, the lost and others may perceive and experience the glow emanating the person who is smoking or using any drugs. Say that every time a smoker is not alone, someone else is there to take the opportunity.
The truth is that the smoker is smoking by entities that have adhered to their affinity vibrational aura. This is one reason why it is so hard to stop smoking or drinking, because the entity has adhered encourages the person to continue to do so because they do not have the physical body suffers from lack of snuff or alcohol. It is not just to exercise the will, is struggling with another will.
There are many other things that can provide a gateway for disembodied beings, but it is not my intention to this message throughout a medical treatise. Are involved sex without love, vulnerability, emotional, karmic origin, pacts with the darkness and finally, playing the board 'ouija' or the game of the cup.
Let's see what possibilities we have for
"return of the soul":
- Perhaps the soul is highly fragmented, made bits, and we have to call back these bits of different moments of life, were lost due to trauma, emotional conflicts, tremendous pain, moments of childhood.
- Someone could have stolen your soul, like a animal, a magician, a Macumba, a shaman, your mom, your dad or someone close.
- With regard to the theft of the soul may be that in a past life they have taken something away from them, or so we kill them, hurt them, we take away something that belonged to them, without knowing it, then do a swap with the soul of them, to give us back our own.
- Barter takes the form of promises not to do such a thing, be more gentle, and so on.
- For this, if one wishes to address at their own, without professional help, I recommend looking for a quiet place to do so, either lying down or sitting, you can prepare the same clothes a zahumerio, a candle, taking a flower and if you are a believer, the image of a Being of Light. We
- several deep breaths, and then if possible out loud, call back to our soul, and the way is the search for a part of you that have been lost.
- should be recalled any time of life that was difficult, which could have lost your soul.
- Now raise your hands and call back his soul, using all the willpower available, call back, in the circumstances that have been, always loud. Then you need to repeat and repeat:
- Then to come, you have to slowly lower them and put them inside your body, using universal precautions have to respond to penetrate into your body, everything down to the tip of your heart. All is forgiven now ... and have to forgive you too.
- Are you willing to breathe honesty and open your mouth to enter your soul? It is the power of your will, you see a big ball of light, sometimes lower ceiling as waves, sometimes peach-colored, sometimes all the colors. Sometimes the souls of people come from diverse places.
After you are finished suggest this treatment to express gratitude for what has been achieved either through prayer or by using the words that come from the heart to welcome back the lost soul.
I hope this brief information will be useful, as I mentioned at the beginning, I have experienced and I managed to get my soul and be full again. It was hard but worth it to me as having been fragmented or lost soul is the same one like a robot, or what felt like a total vacuum, and slowly returned to empower me, first in everyday life and then also on the spiritual.
only comment that I have received from Past Life Therapist with Dr. José Luis Cabouli, whose latest book is called "Therapy Spiritual Possession", which also addresses this issue. Unfortunately the book is exhausted and will not know if another issue.
As always sharing my experiences here also share what I've lived and learned. Apart from sending the text to my readers, I will publish it in various blogs. Love, Alexiis
and all other series of blogs.
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