Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Taking Protien When Will My Hair Stop Falling Out


Alexiis, April 5, 2011

Given the interest it has received my message of "The Loss and Return of the Soul", I'll go a little further and comment that way we can affect souls lost.

Although we speak of possession as one of the effects of the lost cause in a living person, I have to clarify that there is no real ownership of the physical body. Nobody gets into the body of another person, although this may be the apparent feeling.

We mention here the difference between a psychic and a channeler, in the case of the medium, the soul of light or of darkness want to express is introduced into the body of it, while the soul is to the side or out until you can once again take its rightful place. The channeler does not allow the entry of another soul to your body and receives messages in the form of energy packets that your mind has to translate into spoken words or in writing.

What may occur in severe cases, is that the lost soul controls the mind and will of the individual. This is when it may appear that the subject is possessed, but what is really happening is that your consciousness has been displaced due to the psychological strength of the invading entity, and instead of the person is manifesting another consciousness. When the person returns to consciousness itself has no memory of what happened.

For those who are in contact with a person suffering from this invasion, the impression is as if the individual was actually owned, but a spiritual entity need not get into the body of a person to influence it. You just have to adhere to this vibratory field.

addition, the lost soul does not need to be present in its complete form to exert their influence. It is sufficient that a fragment of the lost soul energy into the vibrational field of a person to cause this disruption.

This would explain why the same lost soul can act on several people at the same time.

seems then to discard the body is a part of the soul that reaches the light while they can be fragments of its energy trapped in the physical body or in the atmosphere. (Note: This is why when I do Past Life Therapy I have to always be attentive to any part of the soul has been trapped in the physical body). In some ways this is what happens when there is loss of soul. One part is removed while the person is alive with the rest of its energy. (See previous post about loss and restoration of the soul).

For a better understanding, what is usually called as a 'ghost' is a fragment of a dissociated personality that has been separated from the rest and remains imprisoned in an eternal present integrated components while continuing their normal process of evolution.

A lost soul is a fragment of energy that has been separated from its higher principle while it continues its evolution. Incidentally, a ghost is a lost soul, only restricted by tradition associated or anchored to a site more than a person.

so that it is possible that a person is embodied in his physical body as part of the energy of his soul is still trapped in another reality. In fact, an important aspect of work Therapies Past Life is to retrieve and integrate these pieces of energy trapped in traumatic experiences from past lives or this life. (Note: This is what happened to me and for that I am speaking of own experience).

However, a fragment of a soul retains all the properties and memory of the personality which are decoupled, because it behaves similarly to a hologram which contains a piece and can play the entire unit information original. This means that the dissociated fragment preserves not only memory but also the emotions, fears, beliefs and inclinations of the personality which comes from acting and behaving like this one.

Many of you have read or heard of Kirlian photography, where the person's aura can be perceived intrusive powers, which generate their own energy field, so they can attract to their field influence other foreign particles, which would explain why once a lost soul has entered the aura of a person, it facilitates the entry of new entities.

When these particles or intrusive energies are present in the aura of a person, absorb life energy as if fed directly from the vibrational field of the person they inhabit. They can even take power person if they were outside this vibratory field.

So all intrusive energy, whatever, whoever, is like a parasite that feeds on the energy of a living being. This is the reason that clinically manifests a lack of energy and fatigue, chronic fatigue. Quite simply it is energy vampires.

At the same time, causing interference resulting in a number of physical symptoms, mental and emotional problems in the affected person. As well as being able to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the person whose energy field have been located. So that instead of a spirit possession, have a particle or a field of arbitrary power that causes changes in the vibrational field energy of the person involved.

From the very moment when a lost soul had joined the vibrational field of a person, begins to exert his influence on this, but we must not forget that this influence can be felt even when the entity is outside the aura of person. It is likely that initially the lost soul adheres to the aura of a living person and that the invasion process take time. The energy penetrates more intrusive in a person's vibrational field, the greater its influence on this.

Most of the lost souls do not cause this influence purpose, at least initially. Often, influence and their effects are produced without the lost soul has even notion of what is happening. The mere presence of a lost soul in our vibrational field will produce undesirable effects on us. It is as if short-circuit our energy dynamics.

Once the lost soul has been installed on the aura of a person, it begins to have feelings, emotions, thoughts and behaviors or attitudes that do not belong. Some people realize that something strange is happening or know but do not say so for fear of being taken for mad.

Some of the symptoms seen are:

Ø Sometimes I hear a voice inside me telling me things.

Ø It is as if something inside me forced me to do things that they want to do. Ø

Sometimes I have thoughts that are not mine.

Ø There are times when I say I look like someone else.

Or is there something in (or out) of me that prevents me from doing what I propose. Ø

Sometimes I feel as if no will within me.

As often lost soul adherence is common in childhood, the person grows and develops in a way that might create its own, but in reality it is not entirely. If the invasion occurs aura in adulthood, the difference between before and after may be clearer. When that happens, you can usually identify any event or moment from which there was a change in mood or behavior of the individual.

could have been an accident, surgery, rape or great emotional pain or just a courtesy visit to an acquaintance in the hospital.

traumas, feelings, emotions and beliefs do not end or resolve because you die. When we leave this life, we take our history away. No one becomes a sage or teacher for the mere fact of dying. Moreover, by staying the lost soul on the physical plane also preserves the pains that had the physical body, because it has been left with that impression.

This topic is so broad it could write pages and pages, which is not my intention, but all of the above we again emphasize the importance of the work currently as Lightworkers do with saving souls, as it is our intention to help the soul to ascend to the light no longer be lurking in the plane of the third dimension.

when a family we also transcends, it is always advisable to do a job that I call "Help those who spend Plano, invoking the help of Archangel Michael lighting a white candle and make it for 7 days. With this act of love we provide to our loved one's ascension into the light. Below the text convey land use for these circumstances.

I hope that this information is helpful, and I say with love, Alexiis


NOTE: This is a kind of help the person who has learned, to help the soul find their way into the light. If you want you can also light a white candle a day, of course letting it finishes burning, so it should not use large candles. The meaning is to give light to the soul.

When a student the spiritual journey he learns that someone has gone through what is called "death", immediately contact your level of meditation and ask the help of Archangel Michael and his Servants of Light, with the following invocation:

"In the name My Beloved Presence of God I AM, I invoke the Archangel Michael, to their servers Blue Light, the Beloved Master Astrea, to attend this be ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. (name) that recently has gone flat, the change called "death."

Cut, cut, cut all human creation, undesirable habits, destructive forces, egregores, who tried to disrupt unharmonious conditions, replacing all that with the purity and perfection that every human being, it falls.

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to protect and take care of this Being to pass quickly through the scent of the earth's atmosphere. Cut the ties that bind magnetic material world, so that he / she can give up their passions, their desires and move quickly to the plane of light, which must continue its evolution.

May your mighty power to save it every time! Guide him and keep it sealed in your brand new light! Get rid of him all evil influences, embodied or disembodied, all entity that is not in harmony with the goodness and perfection. Serena your soul, your mind and give peace to your heart! Lighten your burden as much as possible!

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to raise your sword quickly and short blue flame, cut, cut all the negative in every cell, atom, in the lower vehicles that make up his being. He / she sits down and accepts it with intensity, as it now offers the release that is not the Light, and Faith is what determines the outcome.

"I AM" the faith by the power of my Magna Presence.

I thank you, Archangel Michael, and the Beings of Light who have attended ... ... ... ... .. (Name). Bendigo the glory of the Archangel Michael and decree that everything is done in Love and Perfection.



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