April 4, 2011
http: / / writer-canalizadores.blogspot.com
http: / / group-circle-shaumbra.blogspot.com /
always want to receive messages from the ascended masters, each other, no matter who receives them, the important thing is to take the wisdom and quietly read it to understand it, reconsidered, and then if we see in our degree and possibilities, and make our life we \u200b\u200bdo it with our own experience.
So my own experience leads me to have a constant connection with my higher self, and that's where I draw the light and the love which is as wisdom from the source of God the Father-Mother , that I am, realizing that I will not access more than I can understand and is best for me and to share with everyone in my awareness and want to use it.
Yes, my brother, so, we must be very vigilant to seize every opportunity that offers the ... now aware of this important moment of receiving the higher energies, and thus make them yours and show what you are at all times giving, taking in what you receive each day, with more energy of your Higher Self into your physical body.
This higher energy that you are constantly getting in these three years of the triad of the Trinity, 2010-2011-2012, is the great opportunity that all mankind is making the most, all but the even more awake, and Lightworkers is your great opportunity, which depends on their use of your state to receive constant observation, and enlarge it in your heart . Upon receipt
consciously and constantly, is what attracts more energy of your Higher Self into the physical body, and having more energy higher in the physical body, all your subtle bodies are balancing and harmonizing, and the physical body also receives health necessary, being all very good in all senses of evolution.
So I say, you have to consciously take all moments, and then to receive this high energy, we must project it out to the benefit of all life around you, being a center of light and love in constant action of aid, for those who also are also getting what need each other in unity.
This energy is a constant string, a consciously receive it, and they are more accountable to enlarge it and give it to others, in every way possible, and so will expand from one to another, such as free energy and equally high for all , although they are not aware if they are also the good will of the common good.
just want to tell and repeat this attention, which is the most important thing you have to consider at this time, consciously receive this high energy, enlarge the heart, and give it in every possible way to others, creating the chain of giving and receiving of itself to infinity.
This energy, if you're receptive, you will give you fully aware that you are much more awake to attract your creativity in various activities and services to others, so I tell my brothers, that all components of the groups, circles, you can also create your own group with your family, friends, neighbors ... and in this case no matter the number, and no matter how you to try in your meetings, in principle only be touching the hearts and in line with the beliefs of each, just to practice the oneness of heart, do not meditate or do spiritual concepts and high, would only be to turn the hearts together.
My brothers, everything is spiritual, and in these times, the Lightworkers, you have to prove more than ever, giving your light to others, to help in any way possible, enabling the creativity of each and putting in the service of all, adjusting the degree of the brothers that you have before in your life, with the willingness to listen and make some heart at this time. I already
I say that everything is spiritual, and you must be willing to see the needs they are asking for assistance, this aid is not clearly revealed because they know how to ask or how to receive, but his soul is calling it the, and that's where you have to have the courage to perceive these sisters / you to tell them somehow that I can meet if only to talk.
simply, is that they know all that you are willing to cooperate with whom you need to express what you feel inside at this special time, putting it easier for those who dare not openly decide, and proposing a meeting to talk about everything what is past and what they think of it each, and hence, may arise as all that is necessary for the good of all.
see that this is not easy, to tell our family, friends and acquaintances that we meet to talk about something that is not pleasing to them, and also can touch the conscience and commitment to play situations that are uncomfortable, but others people do want and need to question them, so you have to expose all possible, to get advantage of this energy we're all getting high, so we can help those who are available to receive it in the best way possible for them.
This suggestion one step further for the Lightworkers, no easy, but is a service for the brave, with all his energy say it loud and clear, that they are responsible for everything that is happening and want to put their part to make the future better for everyone, and if we unite, if only for the curiosity to learn everything that is happening now, and then those who want to see what can be done together and each to their possibilities.
already tell you that it would actively put your creativity, to receive and give everything possible to help you all you can and want, but are you, the Lightworkers, who have to take that first bold step and courageous, to tell others that you offer some Thus, to give to turn the hearts.
These times are to receive and lift you high energy each as possible, and then this energy that we each have to expose it, not by preaching on street corners, no, but by example of life in principle, and , offering simple and humble of heart, to talk about life, and thus give all that each one is, in the manner possible.
Because if you do not give, no one knows that you can get what you need, and although not easy, we have the courage to let us know, and what we offer who asks us, always from the heart and the humility to serve the good of others, regardless of religion, political or social status, would be in line with the needs of each belief, to help as best as possible, and always with the love of the heart, and only around that which unites us.
Brothers, I am aware of the Lightworkers, indicating a step more in this time of ascension ...
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