April 14, 2011
Buenos días amados Maestros, son las 4:30 de la madrugada, ustedes bien saben, que estos días, no me he comunicado con ustedes, por un lado, por mis problemas físicos, y también, tengo una cierta renuencia, por tantos mensajes contradictorios, que se están publicando, que no quiero meterme en esto.
Ustedes saben, quiero seguir mi línea, de mensajes reales, que puedo responder por ellos, prácticamente. Aunque, por supuesto, yo no me puedo hacer cargo, de lo que, digamos, me puedo hacer cargo de lo que ustedes me transmiten, si, de mantener el canal limpio, pero no de los hechos que anuncian. Y sé que ustedes, tampoco this claim.
Sorry, for that introduction, but as you all know, I had to upload to blogs, such contradictory messages, but I'm not presuming to judge, or court. I know, that every human has to discern, on its own account, and accept what your heart tells you.
And now with this, enough of my own talk. Encantada, if, after so many days, receipt of any communication from you.
waited, with all my love, and trying to raise my vibration, to get out of it, not trash, but in this controversy there. 'm Waiting.
"If Alexiis, recognize what you are living and thinking, I am Yeshua, for they hear or read it.
're right, there is much controversy, and unfortunately, where there is none, they're creating, so neither can we, we have not insisted, to transmit messages, few days ago, through you, and not, as many sometimes said, we're not going to use as a channel for advertisements, it's going to happen, that, beyond it, with dates and everything.
What if, of course, can not be avoided, that the planet is going through a very serious situation, one might almost say, there is much truth in what is being transmitted, and the same, no.
Yo, I want to convey, here, today, and through this channel, you can be sure we do everything possible to reduce all the effects, whatever they are plotting.
There is much movement yet, and there will be more true. There will be more, there will be more disasters, and all that, yes, because it is also true that parties currently ground, they will sink in order to emerge elsewhere, that were under water. This can not be denied.
Enough has been given notice, that those who live in dangerous areas, go, farther inland. But all this is known, each has to make its decision.
Now, those not directly involved in this, I tell you brothers, please take into consideration that these people, that through these events, make transition, people who have chosen this path, either, for remove old karmas, or volunteering to help another human.
Few are those who might say, are involved in accidents, I can not deny, when these things happen, that there can be a soul injured. So, too, always ask, everyone, to all light workers, all circles, groups, doing their job, to rescue lost souls.
I was this channel, precisely, has been working very thoroughly with this subject I have shared, learning of it, and very importantly, provide aid, because the soul, but comes to the planet, knowing and having chosen the destination, following the famous veil, this memory loss, and at the time of the event, which passes, is disoriented. Does not come immediately to mind, ahh yes, I have asked this. That's where you have to be more active than ever.
they do not want to lost souls, wandering to walk the earth, clinging to any other human being, jeopardizing their own development.
Take into account this issue, treat it with love, treat with light, this is what I have come to pass, this morning.
We love you deeply, and hopefully, did not have to give warnings as well, but necessary. Because not everyone reads, not everyone listens, and many who read and listen, do not take it seriously. Okay, everyone chooses what they will do, this is the famous free will.
Today, I leave you with all my love, I am Yeshua, Sananda Immanuel Esu. "
Thanks Master, please do not get involved in all these other things, thanks.
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