Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mini Bubble Wands Homemade

Drunvalo From METATRON


Drunvalo Very Important Letter!

Before you go into the land, knew that this would not be easy. They knew that the future had to be changed. They knew they had to change the images of war and pain pictures of love and compassion.

All I asked, "What I can do in these times?" This is my answer.

There is one thing to be done.

Our only task is to enter the sacred space of the heart, unite with all others who are there and dream a new dream.

Then the new dream will become reality on Earth.

The war here on Earth is dwarfed by the unfathomable power of spiritual revelation that he is dealing with this planet. The end result of human destiny in the near future will, I believe, determined by the people of this world - not by government or organized religion. Nor by the Secret Government.

The rapid changes occurring in human consciousness will eventually overcome the idea of \u200b\u200bwar to achieve peace. True peace can be achieved only from within, and this truth will soon be a part of the perspective world of the billions who live on this planet. But does not require prior understanding that all these billions change our consciousness. It only takes a few.

You know who you are. Are you reading this.

As we evolve to this new higher state, it will be obvious even to those who still can not see that war never leads to peace but only more war. That when we go to the enemy and slapping his face, he just brings back the slap. Israel is trying to stop the suicide bombing returning with more violence, but of course retaliate is not working. Never does. Only worse.

Soon we will all be able to see that humans are intimately connected together in ways that, at this time, only a few have consciousness. When this awareness is known and experienced by all, the war will never be an option again.

I think the general awareness of this truth we find before us in just a few years. We-you and I, we are human consciousness to a new level harmonic where compassion and forgiveness will become Mode of Life on Earth. We are very close.

This new awareness shows even now, the people around the world is saying that war is immoral and should be prohibited by law - that war should never be used except under extreme conditions . If anything good came out of this war in Iraq, is the understanding that our ideas of war have certainly changed. Never before in history has there been such a widespread awareness of the immorality of war.

And even many Americans who apparently feel they were justified in this pre-emptive war with Iraq and many people around the world are beginning to see that preventive war is one of the worst kind. (I personally feel that this war with Iraq, eventually prove to be the biggest mistake that the U.S. has ever committed - remain to be seen long-term effects.)


Before you go into the land, knew that this would not be easy. They knew that the future had to be changed. They knew they had to change the images of war and pain pictures of love and compassion. And we are doing just that.

They also knew that what occurred here would have an effect on all creation. This is not the time to surrender. Not the time to go into weakness, darkness and fear. In these end times, we can see every possible dark force our attention, trying to get us to focus on fear. Trying to make us become a part of fear. Actually, we submit to the external view not only the war but terrible diseases and changes in the Earth.

is a time to become stronger than ever. It is a time for direct connection to Mother Earth and our Creator. It

time to become a different kind of warrior, a warrior who fights for the hearts of mankind, for what is right.

For children and our future.

And how do we do?

simply entering in our hearts and using the awesome power that resides there. We think: "I am weak, I'm just one person."

But only if we are weak and feel in the way that those who seek war want us to think and feel.

If we unite in our hearts, all things are possible.

The Power of Intention and the human imagination, focusing from the inside of the heart and mind not only is the power to create peace on Earth.

When creating images of peace within our hearts, we alter the vibration of all hearts. For all hearts are linked.

We create a unifying dream eventually reach the collective unconscious, enabling the people to retake possession of that world.

This Dream Uniter One born in the heart of mankind. This Dream Unifier has a strong power the control of any dictator.

is a dream that will turn the tide of tyranny and change the outside world and no one point even a single rifle.

You have that power within, in your heart. There is a sacred space in your heart that has the ability to alter the outside world completely. You just need to become fearless and entering your own heart with hope and care.

Our best wishes lie at the heart and the ways and means to manifest them in this world are also there. That power has been in his heart since before Creation of the Universe.

not need to be experts in meditation or have special knowledge to create from within your heart. "You just need to love God and want to be a new form on Earth."

In this Sacred Space, to God, a child can move mountains. In this Sacred Space, to God, even a baby in his crib can change the course of history.

So my message to you is:

not be overwhelmed by the news of the night and fears it brings. We need to know about the dark side only enough to understand how we are needed. Just enough to understand that we take the time to create our own dream of Light.

Believe in yourself. Know about his intimate relationship with God. You are the son or daughter of God, the same consciousness that created the entire universe. Do you understand? Your Father / Mother / God installed in your heart everything you might need from all the circumstances. ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. You, with God living in his own heart, is the power to end life.

Over the next ten years, life on Earth can change forms that are difficult to imagine at this time. But as we approach that event, neither negative nor positive, just know that the Dream Unifier of all mankind is born at this time, and that dream exists thanks to you.

All I asked, "What I can do in these times?" This is my answer. There is one thing to be done. * Our only task is to enter the sacred space of the heart, unite with all others who are there and dream a new dream. Then the new dream will come true on Earth *.

Thank you for caring so much for life. Without you, the tyrants of the world could take power.

Thank you, Earth is destined to be free, and applaud the universe as they enter the higher worlds of life having carried out their sacred purpose on earth.

Thank you, dear, to be alive on Earth.

I love and honor.

In Love and Service.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

From: "The Spirit of Ma'at" Letters




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