Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interarms Alexandria Rifle


Channeled by Sorema

May 15, 2011

My dear Lightworkers, as you are ready for all that is necessary at this time, beginning to be aware of your own reality each in itself, being that the integration of Light and Love from the same source in each of you, everything is in God the Father-Mother Earth. You are

all with your own intention in the same reality which in turn are creating this reality is being realized as a very powerful feeling within you, and now, this real inner feeling, what you are transmitting to the outside, with the possibility that is also the inner feeling of all mankind, as the inner feeling of a single reality and complete in all beings on Earth.

currently have already established yourselves the New Earth, and now are sharing with you, in turn, are giving the possibility to reach everyone, so that they too are aware of their intention to create the land they want for their happiness understanding for all that the happiness of all is the happiness of oneself.

You have reached the status of your evolution, where there is nothing more than a possible path to happiness, if you pay heed to your Higher Self, and this is the path of unity, well you know the process to follow, starting this unit by yourself, with the balance and harmony of your inner bodies, and then can give yourself that peace and inner wisdom of each.

And your example of internal harmony in what they hope to see you, to awaken many who are no longer worth the words, but the example of what your Being is what it claims also to identify with its own internal call itself on each, with the force of his own inner being, and not as has always been above, in the belief the word external forcing and the fear of punishment.

is why all Lightworkers have much to do with your example of integrity in action, you will be always observed by all, because the beings they are leading the way with examples of those who know what they are creating, and they need to wake up your example and say to himself: "Yes, this is what I was expecting, this is what I want for me too!"

So, my dear, you have already New Earth created in your hearts, and is only waiting for the others who see with their inner eyes, that is visible to all, and you know that your example is the key to wake up every day more and more of your brothers . Unit

This example is the decisive force necessary to achieve the alarm clock of all, no longer has any force other than the system drive and how old he is barely holding, it is becoming weaker and less convinced that it works with the benefit that everyone wants, but we must all see and understand the results obsolete.

You are all Lightworkers very willing to make the leap end, because you are very connected with your Higher Selves, and this is how you feel all the same direction to take, gradually losing force your own individual projects, to enter into a major project of all and for everyone, a unique project Total Unit forever.

But you are starting with what may be the unification of what each one does for some time now, and it's good so, because the example of Unit has to start internally with your bodies, healthy reflection of this unit, and then externally, with everything you're doing, projecting the unit with all the Lightworkers, unifying all your projects immediately.

Well you know how it works and what you can bring unity, because your past lives are marked with the separateness that all you had, as one of the major causes of all evils that have lived in all possible ways of suffering, but what happened is what teaches you to improve this, and so You understand very well what you are most interested in doing, being the Unit: Internal and external whatever you wish to create. Supreme Beings

My dear, this is how we are meeting in a council between the two worlds, because there is hardly veil that separates us from the power of God the Father-Mother that we are all in this unit we are talking about, because well know that, as above so below, and your work to do well what you are remembering, which is: Bring Heaven to Earth. My dear

in us is a great joy that permeates all with a great love in this side out of your time and space in all of your higher selves, angels and all teachers who are always in your hearts, always showing by example the unit now arrives with such force you to your hearts States.

Here, out of your time and space, there is a constant feast of love, the result of the unit, and this is what you also get all the ways that each one receives and feels itself to your Higher Self, and All Higher Selves Workers United Light, being for you the joy that provokes you act out and create your world, everything you are feeling in your heart.

We, with the Unit of your Higher Selves, provokes a very strong love you receive in full force, but you who have to materialize in physical facts that are feeling this love, the love of all forces also even contrary to manifest, so you can further enhance and forever, your unit determined.

When everything is easy, do not get the unit, but when there is strong resistance, there is a great need to create happiness so desperately needed, as the only solution to this major change, then, understands very well that if the unit is not, can not be any other way to get it.

This will include all human beings already, and that is why we need very little in order to make the Great Change, through the Unity of all, although there is great resistance from the old, you can not stop the great power Love and Light each day running rampant in all hearts and places.

The Big Change is unstoppable, and it is only a question of time, and this is where you enter in full, all Lightworkers, as all the result depends in principle you, where your example of Oneness with all who are doing, ALL, because you are the model to observe and follow, if they see that you are authentic in every action they feel in their hearts.

So my dear, I am conscious unity of your Higher Selves, and everyone can access it through your higher self, without any intermediaries and forever, and you know my dear, that this unity is the source of God "Father, Mother, that simply is to take possession of your inheritance, to remember who you are ...


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