Sunday, May 15, 2011

Interarms Alexandria Rifle


Channeled by Sorema

May 15, 2011

My dear Lightworkers, as you are ready for all that is necessary at this time, beginning to be aware of your own reality each in itself, being that the integration of Light and Love from the same source in each of you, everything is in God the Father-Mother Earth. You are

all with your own intention in the same reality which in turn are creating this reality is being realized as a very powerful feeling within you, and now, this real inner feeling, what you are transmitting to the outside, with the possibility that is also the inner feeling of all mankind, as the inner feeling of a single reality and complete in all beings on Earth.

currently have already established yourselves the New Earth, and now are sharing with you, in turn, are giving the possibility to reach everyone, so that they too are aware of their intention to create the land they want for their happiness understanding for all that the happiness of all is the happiness of oneself.

You have reached the status of your evolution, where there is nothing more than a possible path to happiness, if you pay heed to your Higher Self, and this is the path of unity, well you know the process to follow, starting this unit by yourself, with the balance and harmony of your inner bodies, and then can give yourself that peace and inner wisdom of each.

And your example of internal harmony in what they hope to see you, to awaken many who are no longer worth the words, but the example of what your Being is what it claims also to identify with its own internal call itself on each, with the force of his own inner being, and not as has always been above, in the belief the word external forcing and the fear of punishment.

is why all Lightworkers have much to do with your example of integrity in action, you will be always observed by all, because the beings they are leading the way with examples of those who know what they are creating, and they need to wake up your example and say to himself: "Yes, this is what I was expecting, this is what I want for me too!"

So, my dear, you have already New Earth created in your hearts, and is only waiting for the others who see with their inner eyes, that is visible to all, and you know that your example is the key to wake up every day more and more of your brothers . Unit

This example is the decisive force necessary to achieve the alarm clock of all, no longer has any force other than the system drive and how old he is barely holding, it is becoming weaker and less convinced that it works with the benefit that everyone wants, but we must all see and understand the results obsolete.

You are all Lightworkers very willing to make the leap end, because you are very connected with your Higher Selves, and this is how you feel all the same direction to take, gradually losing force your own individual projects, to enter into a major project of all and for everyone, a unique project Total Unit forever.

But you are starting with what may be the unification of what each one does for some time now, and it's good so, because the example of Unit has to start internally with your bodies, healthy reflection of this unit, and then externally, with everything you're doing, projecting the unit with all the Lightworkers, unifying all your projects immediately.

Well you know how it works and what you can bring unity, because your past lives are marked with the separateness that all you had, as one of the major causes of all evils that have lived in all possible ways of suffering, but what happened is what teaches you to improve this, and so You understand very well what you are most interested in doing, being the Unit: Internal and external whatever you wish to create. Supreme Beings

My dear, this is how we are meeting in a council between the two worlds, because there is hardly veil that separates us from the power of God the Father-Mother that we are all in this unit we are talking about, because well know that, as above so below, and your work to do well what you are remembering, which is: Bring Heaven to Earth. My dear

in us is a great joy that permeates all with a great love in this side out of your time and space in all of your higher selves, angels and all teachers who are always in your hearts, always showing by example the unit now arrives with such force you to your hearts States.

Here, out of your time and space, there is a constant feast of love, the result of the unit, and this is what you also get all the ways that each one receives and feels itself to your Higher Self, and All Higher Selves Workers United Light, being for you the joy that provokes you act out and create your world, everything you are feeling in your heart.

We, with the Unit of your Higher Selves, provokes a very strong love you receive in full force, but you who have to materialize in physical facts that are feeling this love, the love of all forces also even contrary to manifest, so you can further enhance and forever, your unit determined.

When everything is easy, do not get the unit, but when there is strong resistance, there is a great need to create happiness so desperately needed, as the only solution to this major change, then, understands very well that if the unit is not, can not be any other way to get it.

This will include all human beings already, and that is why we need very little in order to make the Great Change, through the Unity of all, although there is great resistance from the old, you can not stop the great power Love and Light each day running rampant in all hearts and places.

The Big Change is unstoppable, and it is only a question of time, and this is where you enter in full, all Lightworkers, as all the result depends in principle you, where your example of Oneness with all who are doing, ALL, because you are the model to observe and follow, if they see that you are authentic in every action they feel in their hearts.

So my dear, I am conscious unity of your Higher Selves, and everyone can access it through your higher self, without any intermediaries and forever, and you know my dear, that this unity is the source of God "Father, Mother, that simply is to take possession of your inheritance, to remember who you are ...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mini Bubble Wands Homemade

Drunvalo From METATRON


Drunvalo Very Important Letter!

Before you go into the land, knew that this would not be easy. They knew that the future had to be changed. They knew they had to change the images of war and pain pictures of love and compassion.

All I asked, "What I can do in these times?" This is my answer.

There is one thing to be done.

Our only task is to enter the sacred space of the heart, unite with all others who are there and dream a new dream.

Then the new dream will become reality on Earth.

The war here on Earth is dwarfed by the unfathomable power of spiritual revelation that he is dealing with this planet. The end result of human destiny in the near future will, I believe, determined by the people of this world - not by government or organized religion. Nor by the Secret Government.

The rapid changes occurring in human consciousness will eventually overcome the idea of \u200b\u200bwar to achieve peace. True peace can be achieved only from within, and this truth will soon be a part of the perspective world of the billions who live on this planet. But does not require prior understanding that all these billions change our consciousness. It only takes a few.

You know who you are. Are you reading this.

As we evolve to this new higher state, it will be obvious even to those who still can not see that war never leads to peace but only more war. That when we go to the enemy and slapping his face, he just brings back the slap. Israel is trying to stop the suicide bombing returning with more violence, but of course retaliate is not working. Never does. Only worse.

Soon we will all be able to see that humans are intimately connected together in ways that, at this time, only a few have consciousness. When this awareness is known and experienced by all, the war will never be an option again.

I think the general awareness of this truth we find before us in just a few years. We-you and I, we are human consciousness to a new level harmonic where compassion and forgiveness will become Mode of Life on Earth. We are very close.

This new awareness shows even now, the people around the world is saying that war is immoral and should be prohibited by law - that war should never be used except under extreme conditions . If anything good came out of this war in Iraq, is the understanding that our ideas of war have certainly changed. Never before in history has there been such a widespread awareness of the immorality of war.

And even many Americans who apparently feel they were justified in this pre-emptive war with Iraq and many people around the world are beginning to see that preventive war is one of the worst kind. (I personally feel that this war with Iraq, eventually prove to be the biggest mistake that the U.S. has ever committed - remain to be seen long-term effects.)


Before you go into the land, knew that this would not be easy. They knew that the future had to be changed. They knew they had to change the images of war and pain pictures of love and compassion. And we are doing just that.

They also knew that what occurred here would have an effect on all creation. This is not the time to surrender. Not the time to go into weakness, darkness and fear. In these end times, we can see every possible dark force our attention, trying to get us to focus on fear. Trying to make us become a part of fear. Actually, we submit to the external view not only the war but terrible diseases and changes in the Earth.

is a time to become stronger than ever. It is a time for direct connection to Mother Earth and our Creator. It

time to become a different kind of warrior, a warrior who fights for the hearts of mankind, for what is right.

For children and our future.

And how do we do?

simply entering in our hearts and using the awesome power that resides there. We think: "I am weak, I'm just one person."

But only if we are weak and feel in the way that those who seek war want us to think and feel.

If we unite in our hearts, all things are possible.

The Power of Intention and the human imagination, focusing from the inside of the heart and mind not only is the power to create peace on Earth.

When creating images of peace within our hearts, we alter the vibration of all hearts. For all hearts are linked.

We create a unifying dream eventually reach the collective unconscious, enabling the people to retake possession of that world.

This Dream Uniter One born in the heart of mankind. This Dream Unifier has a strong power the control of any dictator.

is a dream that will turn the tide of tyranny and change the outside world and no one point even a single rifle.

You have that power within, in your heart. There is a sacred space in your heart that has the ability to alter the outside world completely. You just need to become fearless and entering your own heart with hope and care.

Our best wishes lie at the heart and the ways and means to manifest them in this world are also there. That power has been in his heart since before Creation of the Universe.

not need to be experts in meditation or have special knowledge to create from within your heart. "You just need to love God and want to be a new form on Earth."

In this Sacred Space, to God, a child can move mountains. In this Sacred Space, to God, even a baby in his crib can change the course of history.

So my message to you is:

not be overwhelmed by the news of the night and fears it brings. We need to know about the dark side only enough to understand how we are needed. Just enough to understand that we take the time to create our own dream of Light.

Believe in yourself. Know about his intimate relationship with God. You are the son or daughter of God, the same consciousness that created the entire universe. Do you understand? Your Father / Mother / God installed in your heart everything you might need from all the circumstances. ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. You, with God living in his own heart, is the power to end life.

Over the next ten years, life on Earth can change forms that are difficult to imagine at this time. But as we approach that event, neither negative nor positive, just know that the Dream Unifier of all mankind is born at this time, and that dream exists thanks to you.

All I asked, "What I can do in these times?" This is my answer. There is one thing to be done. * Our only task is to enter the sacred space of the heart, unite with all others who are there and dream a new dream. Then the new dream will come true on Earth *.

Thank you for caring so much for life. Without you, the tyrants of the world could take power.

Thank you, Earth is destined to be free, and applaud the universe as they enter the higher worlds of life having carried out their sacred purpose on earth.

Thank you, dear, to be alive on Earth.

I love and honor.

In Love and Service.

Drunvalo Melchizedek

From: "The Spirit of Ma'at" Letters



Saturday, May 7, 2011

Getting Scratches Out Of Fireclay Sink


Hi Family!

I present the "ANTHEM OF THE WORLD UNITY" ... I received this letter for it, with the intention that is not much point, but just and necessary to repeat again and again as a very powerful Mantra, we have already make it our full force within us ... and expand to its full meaning out, singing with all our feelings, expressing out loud what they really We recommend ...

hear it several times with his eyes closed and headphones on, to hear well with your background music ... and feel the letter and resonates in our soul what we already are ...

This beautiful music has made a Being that is all heart, and when he started testing, I came a chorus that was not physically, because he did the solo, but always has his crew of angels with him, and they wanted to also appear with him in this hymn ... this person is our dear brother Adal, Circle Group, "LOVE" 7.

This "ANTHEM OF THE WORLD UNITY," I have authorized make it all the versions you want different music, but always with the same letter ... slower ... happier ... each one to fit your occasion different every time and place ...

Adal Our brother ... with his Heart of Gold has written ... more different versions of the anthem and other songs of his ... that's you if you will go from good to all ...

Well ... my sisters and brothers ... I hope you enjoy it like me ... I'm enjoying singing it almost daily with my intention and conviction of who I am, with all my inner strength and outer ...

A hug ... feeling the great love of our hearts Sorema States ....

Who I Am ... a piece of God.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ap Bio Lab 4 Post Questions

A d'Optimisme cops! :)


Monday, May 2, 2011

How Big Are Pokemon May's Boobs


Channeled by Sorema

May 2, 2011

In order to remove the present united consciousness of Lightworkers ... I'm open to see what I perceive ...

Most lightworkers are looking to energy widely dispersed in different directions, it is vitally important to have a common guide to all equally, but you have phone via abroad, is very confused, because in outside is the darkness with all their might, putting all sorts of traps, and precisely the light workers to the most.

therefore better for you would take this guide and direct unified, and internally, with your Higher Self ... in the power of the United awareness of your higher selves that we have created, and it's where you can catch all the same guide to todo lo que se puede realizar con el mismo sentido de dirección.

Por el contrario, todavía hay muchos que estáis dedicados a emplear casi todas vuestras energías hacia el exterior, con toda clase de actividades externas… donde los oscuros tienen el dominio con sus técnicas superiores a las que vosotros no podéis ver con claridad, creyendo que estáis haciendo lo correcto, y muchos de vosotros estáis cayendo una y otra vez en lo que ellos quieren, en un constante entretenimiento aparentemente espiritual, y ello os lleva a una energía fuera de la unidad, tan necesaria para todos en estos momentos.

Es por ello, que urge la necesidad de que todos los Trabajadores de la Luz… se cuestionen la situación who are living each, what they are doing, and if that's what tells your inner light, or if directed by the infinite outside distractions, with all sorts of different ways to tell each other, with all the great influence of questionable information daily and constant, no time, nothing more than to meet all the influx always outside only.

So are you lot, where drivers want you to be, which is always outside yourself, disjointed and confused with many different fields of action at a time, and unable to attend any of the best way, everything is external, much to while, different, interesting, appropriate to distract, and large As confusing, that you will not lead anywhere good.

All guides and teachers of light, and you have more than enough for your need in this time of promotion to higher states of consciousness ... Why do you follow many of you, looking for more, regardless of what you already have ? ... who are in this search unnecessary, and without regard either to what you already have of real value, all the time you are engaged in endless distractions only interesting ... Do not you ever going to give account of the maneuver that you have involved? ...

You have been given more than enough to Lightworkers that you may be focused on what is most important, but it means working hard every man examine himself, and for many it is easier to let go only for ceremonies and nice and beautiful outdoor activities that do not undertake to no effort and personal improvement to progress.

teachers have given you everything you need for your climb, but there are many that will work instead of themselves, prefer the most comfortable, and so are holding events all climb in humanity, because if you do not you, the Lightworkers, nobody else will do, because that is what you wanted to come at this time. Dear

implicates urgent ... everyone what they are doing and what you can do ... is of vital importance to many, is not that you leave everything you're doing outside, nice and pretty, no, but, also spend the necessary time to internal communication your Higher Self ... in the unified consciousness of all Supreme Beings of Light Workers United.

Just this direct route is where you can remove them all at once the same intention United action, all at once, in the same direction, without much regard to external distraction of constant energy is the only way that you can have all the Light Workers very act of unity, to achieve the ascent with Gaia. Already

you had to be very aware of this internal drive via your higher selves together and leave for a while almost everything you consideréis external than you are cramping, and you would see as you can communicate with yourself and aware of your Higher Selves together, where sacaríais the information you need, without hindrance from other powers of distraction.

To do this, you have to take into account before, the lessons that I gave each one for domestic work yourself, strengthen your spirit in unity, with the personal work everyone has to do for himself and without delay, for those who have left in their external distraction. Well

know all Lightworkers, what you are leaving behind and can not move well until trabajéis not, that is why the need for your communication with your Higher Self, so that tells you all you have to work first , and then take the unified consciousness everything you need to be united in all your external actions.

Therefore, it is vitally important that reflection and communication with your Higher Self, because he will tell you your need, but you can distract other external cues, to get the strength and clarity that all you need, with the same direction as all want to take together at this difficult time seeing the best to follow.

The communication with the source of inner light and love are all your teachers of humanity, united with your Higher Selves, where you will see for yourselves, such as pipes coincide very selective and also felt that you can receive via the Internet outside .

Therefore, I repeat, it is vital that all Lightworkers to question what they are doing and what they have to do to make good use of this important time, and become aware of it, making a withdrawal Internal with your Higher Self daily in a safe place at all times of days or months necessary with questions and answers to take the security of a seamless and secure communication with your Higher Self, the constant time and need no outside distractions.

Without further delay, try daily to connect with your higher self and feel for yourself what it says, and surely this will you have to work you first before anything, and he will give you all the love, clarity and encouragement you need.

All your Higher Selves are united in a universal consciousness, where you can take with your higher self, whatever is your need to carry out your actions with great force Unit, the highest good of all of you.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Where To Buy Game Blunt

I KIRAEL - on how to deal with adverse situations

Alexiis, April 30, 2011

As I stated at the beginning of the message felt a certain fear of channeling, but eventually the need to connect overcame her fear.

The audio is as follows:

The text is in my blog. Love, Alexiis

Friday, April 29, 2011

Can You Get Herpies From An Escort

De Sorema

April 29, 2011 Dear

family Groups, Circles ... our very intention of all, when we join with our group every day, and all groups and all Lightworkers to radiate our energy of light and love together, is:


And in all events that arise daily ... is our pure intention to help.

therefore need not remind us at every event we intend to emerge, although we do if we want, but we have created such a constant and natural unit for assistance in the most critical events that may occur. So my sisters

and brothers, we are creating between us, the internal communication of Heart to Heart, which is increasingly felt, and could do without the Internet and continue to make our own aid integrates together a daily basis. Feeling

always the great love of our hearts-circles States ... groups.

Who I Am ... a piece of God.

Friday, April 22, 2011

In Which Finger Amythyst To Wear

Tornadoes and Hurricanes Dialogue N ° 45 ... WITH MY BELOVED JESHUA ... Y "... MEANING MESSAGE RECEIVED FROM A JAPANESE who perished in the earthquake of JAPAN" ... EPHEMERAL

By: ANSHELINA ... The light that wake up call



WebSite: http://escritores-canalizadores.

This morning when I woke up, I stayed relaxed talking with you my beloved Jeshua, and also thinking in commemoration of "Semana Santa" ... at some point I started to talk to you and try to feel a tiny fraction of the pain that you feel when sacrificed your life to teach us about the Unconditional Love and Compassion, Delivery, Forgiveness, which was the legacy that you wanted to leave us ... You gave your body and your life at 33 years ... to give us this heritage that we have not even taken into has been forgotten ... ... ... Then we see only externally every year with great pomp revive your death ... like a movie set, in which they highlight your figure carved in wood on a cross, perfectly made by human hands ... but very few humans implement your teachings that left 2000 years ago ...

Amado Sananda ... I'm talking to you and appears in front of my face to a Japanese man who speaks to me in that language ... and since I do not know you wonder ... are you telling me you do not understand? ... And then I get this message in my language ...

"We're going through, so we ask that happen," ... for so long we forgot you loved Jesus Christ, you gave your life and suffered immense pain ... What would be your pain! ... I'd passed over in silence by all the hits and all the falls, carrying a heavy cross, and never heard from your lips an expression of protest ... What would your pain and your sadness ... already about to die, said those two phrases ... so powerful! ... Father why have you forsaken me ?!... Father take this cup away from me! ... That made the sky dark and thunderbolts fell and the earth moved!

... That we are repeating ourselves! ... We

You forget ... and we are dedicated to running, to work, to toil, to produce, produce, produce! ... and we were not your children ... machines were production machines ... literally! ... No heart, no emotions, no joy, no love, no sadness, no generosity and kindness, no tenderness, no hugs, no kisses ... we were just machines! ... and then install nuclear plants, consciously knowing that posed a serious danger, not only for ourselves but for our planet Earth ... to us I had given everything ... poisoning the water, poisoning the air, poisoning us all of us humans, we choose to live in this country called Japan.

We are now receiving the fruit of what we have sown! ... but we are showing the world ... all in this Mother Earth ... what not to do! ... We are about to plunge into the water, like Atlantis or Lemuria ... and so many countries that have followed the example of us, too go away ... it is the debacle! ...

Our "beloved" Mother Gaia ... I say "beloved" as an expression only because I've never loved ... until now I'm recognized as a sentient being who is alive, moving, because what is life is moving ... Now we're almost about to end our existence as a country ... and we aware of that ...

Right now I'm "loving" to Gaia! ... But I have nothing else to do! ... Has come too late repentance, awareness, analysis from the heart! ... We forgot our hearts, our consciences, Love! ... and unconditional compassion ... ... did not know existed! ... Now we have to show the world ... what we should not do ... what not to do! ... trying to motivate major change at the global level, so that when they see that we sink into the sea, with all our factories, with all our technology and our nuclear plants ... to realize that too many others who feel safe, they can go through this painful process ...

Please consciences and hearts of men! ... wake up! ... wake up ! ... wake up! ... What else are waiting to see? ... What most want to happen so overwhelming, to wake up? ... Did not realize that Mother Earth Gaia can take no more? ... And that is already prepared to leave behind all those like us ... we have never wanted to react or awakening? ... Wake up! ... Wake up! ... Wake up!

... Open your eyes! ... but above all ... to open the heart, consciousness ... and begin to love themselves first! ... and then Mother Earth ... love love love humanity and creation ... that innocent pay for us! ... give their lives for us, the sacrifice ... not realizing that as well as Gaia, are sentient beings!

... Why? ... Why dazzled us so much? ... Why do we forget our inner beauty, our greatness, of our divinity? ... Do we have to die to understand? ...

I am one of the things that we started in this earthquake and the tsunami! ... And my whole family also went with me! ... And ... all of my neighbors also died!

... So come ... knowingly ... because I have lived ... because it hurt me ... because I've spent with my family ... and all my brothers who have also massively party! ... It was a very painful for us ... and above all ... for those who remained alive, without peace, feeling always in danger, and missing the loved ones they left in a tragic moment ... and all their material possessions which have been attached and for them it is very difficult to recover

... I can attest too, that the Father in his great love was waiting for us with open arms ... and He has not made any complaint, we have not heard from him not one word of warning, or criticism or complaint, or make us feel bad about our irresponsibility! ... welcomed us into his arms as the most loving Father ... as if we had never done anything negative in our lives ... and for an entire planet, which is now affected by our actions selfish!

... Wake up, wake up, wake up! ... Please listen! ... or be prepared to go through the painful process that we've been ... and we still need to complete as Japanese race ... wake up, wake up, wake up!

... I had never been anything like this ... I could not hold back the tears ... and have suffered much to get this message ... of someone desperate for us to understand it and react ... Much has been made to wake up wake !...¡! ... Wake up! ... When will we wake up? ...

Received by: ANSHELINA ... The light that wake up call

Today Thursday April 21, 2011 at 6:30 am

What Are The Levels Of Care And Examples For Each


Channeled by Sorema

April 22, 2011

Dear soul, do not worry about forms of energy you receive at this time, just know and feel that is love, and that is enough to receive with an open heart, and in service to those who expect a breath of fresh air in their beings.

time I give you today, an indication that may brighten your spirits, who live with some degree of uncertainty, to be excessive by continuing reports that you are receiving, with the intention of concern for your lives, with these, in difficult times, which further aggravate your concerns. And with concerns

closes the heart, and not spread the joy, but in the end, all the other Lightworkers you have a constant joy in your soul, because you feel the love from home, and that you are already living with the beauty that you are creating in your everyday reality.

This communication is intended for those who do not feel the joy of his own being, and to give them the encouragement they can get themselves, to remember what they already are, for their happiness, they can create it if they wish without any hindrance of concern, for no harm to come to all you.

What we regard as good or bad to receive, is not really sure I can express, as it was always going to manifest in each one, just as what you can create your own reality, and if this reality that you want to create for you, the unificáis with similar, take the necessary force for good physical manifestation for you, even amid the apparent chaos.

This apparent chaos for many, is the product of their own creations also linked to other related consciences, both with their thoughts as to their actions that they consider themselves as such, although they can change only want to do it, joining the that they are already showing another way to live with joy and happiness.

And this is where you enter fully the Light workers, united as one global light, with your joy in each event, we are demonstrating to the concerned brothers beings can not see that reality, which can be yours too with only love her, carried away with confidence in their inner Light and opening your heart.

With a small change in confidence, can be attached to the Lightworkers, and at that moment, their lives change with the joy of the light that they let themselves, and make you see everything much of course, to understand these times of Great Change for all, with the need for unity in each active light.

This statement is addressed to all the undecided and concerned about the uncertainty of the immediate future, and this is where I ask you to join with all your strength and determination, to create a happy world for all, because part of humanity and is experiencing this happiness, is waiting for you to join them, to make it smooth and fast in all events, the change that is occurring.

The Great Change is inevitable, at its own pace in the structure of Gaia, being different in humanity which lives on its surface, having to decide their own involvement in the new situation to live or not, with complete freedom of everyone, has to decide where you want to be in this Great Shift ... those who enjoyed it with joy, or those who suffer sadly not take this great opportunity.

The decision my dear, it's just yours and no one else, no one else can take the blame for everything that is happening and will happen in the immediate time and to your Higher Self is very clear decision that they want you to take, if you listen with your whole intention of listening to everything you feel each within itself, and not from outside distraction and confusion.

Outside of you is the darkness more and more agitated than ever you have seen, but everything is planned so that you are in a constant external distractions and with apparent transient happiness, because if you reflect on it, you will not see genuine happiness, much less freely, because you have created a constant dependence, which time, do not guarantee happiness for everyone, because they always win one or the other, while seemingly happy and sad about others, with the division and the constant fear for all.

And constantly, in countless ways, you create a need again and again to be plunged into the desperate uncertainty of fleeting happiness, forever with all that you are constantly created, and shows off each for can never depend your happiness to yourselves, but the uncertainty of others.

you realize my dear, that you are handling being constantly, you have not ever your happiness for yourself, always depends on something outside you, where you can do nothing, nothing but constant uncertainty suffer desperate yet.

is why my dear, so your loved America, in a desperate call to your heart, you mean that you listen to yourselves and your outpatient Pareis, if you want to participate with constant joy of happiness that being created in this time of Great Change, for which want to join in the creation of the New Humanity happy for everyone equally.

My dear, I am you, your Higher Selves States, are in the illusion of separation freedom to decide your own physical creation, and this decision is your own happiness or not, the Lightworkers have already chosen, States with Higher Beings, take charge of the New Earth, and are giving their light to those who wish to join the great celebration, cheerful and constant happiness forever.

Know, my dear, I am aware of the joy and happiness to everyone, inviting you to that you listen to themselves, your Higher Self, to your inner light, and you join this party of Great Change, created for you, for all the happy and joyful New Humanity.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Vitamins And Low Heart Rate


Colleagues Coordinators ...

A new release for you send it to all

April 21, 2011

Dear sisters and brothers-Groups

In Circles ... Occasionally, it is worth recalling what we're doing, this assistance we offer to heart, all united with the same intention, the energy of a single heart, expands his love to everyone, without looking at the results ... But we do see

in the world, that light is getting bigger, and that everything was always safe and protected well in the dark, now, whenever it is more difficult to find dark corners to protect their shares, which still exist, and Light States are projecting a daily basis, is flooding the last places of darkness ...

individual may believe that we can offer Light Gaia and humanity, this time as important and necessary part of Great Change, is insignificant, but it is not, because we all know, that by joining our lights with the same intent, is an impressive exponential power, only in Group-Circles are 480 souls who daily join our Light and Love, for the highest benefit, the need for Big Change ... United

Light This energy we are projecting, is one that helps immeasurably, to all beings who are in need that last push of Light, to enable you to everyone for himself, his own inner Light is the Light ... get dark corners, so you can see the truth that is emerging daily in all parts of the world and its different manifestations ... is the Light who are scientists and all those influential social improvement ... is the light that goes flooding Creating a New Light ... ... and this is what we are projecting each of us united,

daily ... A hug ... feeling the love from our hearts Great America ... Sorema.

Who I Am ... a piece of God.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Orchestra Pit Seating At Rosemont Theater


Channeled by Sorema

April 15, 2011

http:/ /

my sisters, yeah, I'm your Higher Self ... and I come to you as a unified consciousness of all the Higher Selves, to give more convincing than they if the Higher ... I am who I am ... God ... I also am Light and Love manifested on the matter ... I am the Christ consciousness in grades needed, and all states you have to spend the developments in this area ...

But I'm also the demonstration that can be understood in all reasonable ways understandable from your perspective, not only understandable but you can also connect to all your security, the feeling in you physically lived, as proven experience of who you are from the area. Whenever

will be easier to understand and feel this connection to your Higher Self, because every time you are closer to this reality that you are each one, you are an inseparable unit, and that what you are and living from the field, in these moments your special evolution.

also want all of you who feel that the spirit is giving you from all sides and situations that can receive in the field, which are very diverse and each receive as many different ways, but if you are sensitive to the Spirit of God in you , consistently receive His love in everything you are doing for each day of your life.

This observation is necessary for you to be aware of all that the spirit is constantly giving you, because if you do not put this attention, you can not feel, but not because ye do not receive all the same, but you do not put attention to feel it, and it is a shame as it dissolves so much love that you sent the spirit constantly.

is why I've come at this time, as awareness of your Higher Self of each one of you reading this statement, which is addressed to each of you in the moment you are reading.

Thus, my dear all, I am in every one of you in itself, and I want to say and repeat all this again and again, until it is necessary to say more because I perceive it all, and this is, that you may be aware of the great Love that we are giving all that I want so much and so, with all our love always in you, whatever you do, I want only what you are, by being ourselves, being

LOVE ... And what we are all is the only thing you have to see clearly forever, you are Love ... and Love is Love always in all ways, but sometimes you say, that this or that can not be love, because I tell you that it is Love also because that Love is manifesting in a different way that does not understand, you do not know its mission deep, but it is love ...

Everything in the Spirit, God the Father-Mother ... is love, there is nothing that can be anything "There is nothing else" ... maybe do not get it, but that does not mean they do not, ALL IN GOD IS LOVE ... and there is nothing outside of God, therefore, in God can not be anything

not Love ... It's time for you to understand this concept, it is time to understand it and live it well, knowing that you love you are first in everything we do, and all are equally Love, although well why do not perceive the actions and experiences in duality, but you are coming to an end, and it's time you understand everything you need to move to the next state. You are

Love, All, but you are acting on a representation of life that makes you not fully understand that love, but this is part of a much higher Love, is to get a great love, then you will see that also is Love concealed, but Love, Love Himself, because it can not be anything other than the love of God, in every way necessary and possible in every moment of your life.

It is time to make a conscious integrity with your Higher Self within and outside of the physical body, to be who you are at all times without any distraction, the distraction is what I always to manipulated to keep them, this integration, but it is impossible for most to distract many of you, and increasingly will be less manipulated.

is here when you have to take all your strength and your whole intention of it, to be aware of that integrity with your Higher Self, into a single entity without separation of illusion that have been immersed for so and so long, but you still have to put everything you can on your part to make it in its entirety.

We, your Higher Selves, is the only thing we wanting to get, and we are all united in one consciousness, that you may be easier to extract from it all you need at all times, until you reach this total unity with your Higher Self, to remove and dispose of your yourselves your own wisdom of all past lives and all that is your inheritance from the same source of God the Father-Mother who is within you, as God you are also.

This communication is for your loved America, but you have to get conscious, each is first an integration with your own Higher Self, and with all others, and all other beings of higher dimensions, which are waiting for this big moment long awaited by all the brothers who live in higher dimensions.

These brothers that 5 th dimension of other worlds, are waiting for this moment so close to embrace physically with all his great love, to share with you all his wisdom, and with it, you can extend your joy constantly, until the infinite possibilities for best benefit your physical life, and all these potentials are at your disposal to take and make your entire property with a shared love of the Unit.

my beloved beings is much what I expected, like, a whole universe that you want to hug and give their most precious treasures, with all his love without reservation ... just for love, and so you shall be with a happiness that you have never known and deserve and, for all your evolutionary path that you have achieved, with himself deservedly each.

is infinite joy for us to feel this joy as intimate and as expected, with each one of you, as creatures of the stars that we are all in this cycle ends and begins with all its splendor of Light and Love in itself not be the final events and your current and outstanding to comply.

So we want him well and sintáis you know what you're saying, that everything that is happening and will happen is the events of the end of a reality than 3 rd dimension, but the energy of the Lightworkers, is not in this dimension, and it does not belong to this vibration in the reality of 3 meetings, since you are in another higher reality .

So you can understand when we say do not worry all that is happening in this world, because everyone is on the site that is necessary not to belong to these movements necessary exchange of energy and your vibration you do not hamper, not correspond to your reality, be it another different wherever you are not yours or affect you physically.

But why not you must not always be willing to end your responsibility as union with all that is happening in your help to all the best and the highest benefit of all that is.

My brothers, I am you, the higher self of each one of you reading and feeling this energy for writing, if they consider and accept ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Always Before My Period I Have Mucus Discharge



clip_image002 Alexiis

April 14, 2011


Buenos días amados Maestros, son las 4:30 de la madrugada, ustedes bien saben, que estos días, no me he comunicado con ustedes, por un lado, por mis problemas físicos, y también, tengo una cierta renuencia, por tantos mensajes contradictorios, que se están publicando, que no quiero meterme en esto.

Ustedes saben, quiero seguir mi línea, de mensajes reales, que puedo responder por ellos, prácticamente. Aunque, por supuesto, yo no me puedo hacer cargo, de lo que, digamos, me puedo hacer cargo de lo que ustedes me transmiten, si, de mantener el canal limpio, pero no de los hechos que anuncian. Y sé que ustedes, tampoco this claim.

Sorry, for that introduction, but as you all know, I had to upload to blogs, such contradictory messages, but I'm not presuming to judge, or court. I know, that every human has to discern, on its own account, and accept what your heart tells you.

And now with this, enough of my own talk. Encantada, if, after so many days, receipt of any communication from you.

waited, with all my love, and trying to raise my vibration, to get out of it, not trash, but in this controversy there. 'm Waiting.

"If Alexiis, recognize what you are living and thinking, I am Yeshua, for they hear or read it.

're right, there is much controversy, and unfortunately, where there is none, they're creating, so neither can we, we have not insisted, to transmit messages, few days ago, through you, and not, as many sometimes said, we're not going to use as a channel for advertisements, it's going to happen, that, beyond it, with dates and everything.

What if, of course, can not be avoided, that the planet is going through a very serious situation, one might almost say, there is much truth in what is being transmitted, and the same, no.

Yo, I want to convey, here, today, and through this channel, you can be sure we do everything possible to reduce all the effects, whatever they are plotting.

There is much movement yet, and there will be more true. There will be more, there will be more disasters, and all that, yes, because it is also true that parties currently ground, they will sink in order to emerge elsewhere, that were under water. This can not be denied.

Enough has been given notice, that those who live in dangerous areas, go, farther inland. But all this is known, each has to make its decision.

Now, those not directly involved in this, I tell you brothers, please take into consideration that these people, that through these events, make transition, people who have chosen this path, either, for remove old karmas, or volunteering to help another human.

Few are those who might say, are involved in accidents, I can not deny, when these things happen, that there can be a soul injured. So, too, always ask, everyone, to all light workers, all circles, groups, doing their job, to rescue lost souls.

I was this channel, precisely, has been working very thoroughly with this subject I have shared, learning of it, and very importantly, provide aid, because the soul, but comes to the planet, knowing and having chosen the destination, following the famous veil, this memory loss, and at the time of the event, which passes, is disoriented. Does not come immediately to mind, ahh yes, I have asked this. That's where you have to be more active than ever.

they do not want to lost souls, wandering to walk the earth, clinging to any other human being, jeopardizing their own development.

Take into account this issue, treat it with love, treat with light, this is what I have come to pass, this morning.

We love you deeply, and hopefully, did not have to give warnings as well, but necessary. Because not everyone reads, not everyone listens, and many who read and listen, do not take it seriously. Okay, everyone chooses what they will do, this is the famous free will.

Today, I leave you with all my love, I am Yeshua, Sananda Immanuel Esu. "

Thanks Master, please do not get involved in all these other things, thanks.

Baby A Sinus Infection Smells


Alexiis, April 14, 2011

been days since I channel, on one side by my own health and also had the feeling of the presence of the Masters, but as if my mind was in a fog that he could not dispel.

Now finally I have succeeded and this loving message I send the Master Yeshua. The audio is as follows:

The text is in the blogs. Love, Alexiis

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fotos De Playas En Miami


April 9, 2011

http:/ /

Following the feeling that I projected my inner light, I set my frequency to the light, and receipt with all speed, all of the following, which I think I'm getting or extracting from my Higher Self, whatever that may be appropriate at this time to take into consideration.

energies that you are currently receiving all embodied beings, makes you be receptive and observant to take this time, that all Lightworkers are feeling, as I asked your Higher Self, a change in yourself with everything it is necessary, starting from the inside out, and being the love of the heart that takes more strength to create the external activity.

lead to action without mental programs, and with increasing confidence as we will indicate the loving heart in each moment of now, with this new way of life more happy in every moment, and we really value this change so important to everyone.

You have always gone with everything ready for the mind to say and respond to the interests you had inculcated, well-researched and established forever, and now you're checking for yourself, if you go always from the heart, you need not prepare anything important before the reasoning mind.

You are checking that this new way of life is natural, sincere, integrates with a higher value, which goes directly to all with the same full value, and understanding is always easy and with as few words as simple and straightforward without any need for complicated and large spin.

This new language of the heart, gaining authority over all people of good will to good for everyone, being displaced the old system of communication designed to convince very smart, something that is selfish and partisan.

This old very neat and well advanced by the political and religious speakers to achieve their selfish purposes and power, already have little future for all humanity is changing, and not be duped as before, saying what is not feel, there is now an easy argument to make, sincere and good for all alike at heart.

And this new language is the only one that is already used for all human relationships in all different scenarios to transmit the new thinking that is bringing the Great Shift in all humanity, a feeling that everyone knows, feel and accepted for newly created individual and social life.

Thus we see that this major change you are living, start with yourself internally in each home, and then expands outward in all things in life, taking more and more confidence in this new system, as you are going to demonstrate that is more real and beneficial to everyone equally, resulting in more authentic happiness. Since this system

open heart at all times and circumstances that raises you to live a happier life himself and all that you relate, carefree living, because all understand that there are only good faith but at times the action is not the most correct, and if necessary, is always shown understanding, forgiveness and correction the common good.

simply are giving the Great Turning to happiness and joy for everyone, not possible to be glad about causing suffering in others, therefore, all the old system of sports like football and everyone else, have days are numbered.

The Great Shift in itself brings the creativity of all sports together to new happiness and joy for everyone, those involved and those watching the show, all together, there and expressing the beauty of a full computer in one harmony of natural purity, substantially touching all hearts, and not the old ways gross power and control of each other, unscrupulous and insensitive to others' suffering.

The new system will come naturally to all mankind, but first has to be well established previously in all hearts with the love active, in and out of each, so that it intended to expand from one to another with all humanity, as the only way possible at this current time. Workers Being

Light the first to feel and have to make an example of the actions of their lives, paving the way for all to see the benefit of happiness and joy received in themselves, with the conviction that comes direct to want to also be partakers of the benefit.

So my brothers, the Lightworkers, you have the first responsibility to be more light and love within, to illuminate your own path, and support that comes one step behind, using your light that makes your journey to get your own Light that is reassuring in its way, and in turn, also helps the next one small step behind him. At this time

glorious exchange, no place to look back or stop, just decide it's time to take this great opportunity you are providing the final events of a cycle, and the incalculable benefit to the start of a higher one, to be part ascension of the Great Shift, with all the responsible commitment to himself.

And so you come to realize divine human being, by choice of each, and you realize that you are already bringing Heaven to Earth, and thus, your life is always cheerful and happy, and you have done nothing but ... to start each day being all happy and full constant joy ... with love and the generous for all things in life, created for the highest good of all alike ...

So my brothers, your higher selves remain united in one consciousness of Light and Love ...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

How Flash Memory Works


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Do I Find The Name Of My Webcam?

invoked against

Alexiis , April 5, 2011

Luckily a Lightworker caught my attention that I have not shown what we can do to get rid of Lost Souls or foreign energies.

Then I will give some invocations for each person to choose which is more in line with their thinking:

Ø I ordered the power of my will, I decree I'm not going to give my energy, you will not take my energy.

Ø By the power of Christ that is within me, by the power of my will, I command you to retire immediately, return to your original size, and not ever come back.

or humble Lord, I humbly ask you this day helps your child, for this being that is lost, that is long suffering and now want to return to the bosom of light. Ø

pray to the Divine Essence that I be repaid all the energies that are rightfully mine, at all levels, in all dimensions and that are cleaned and purified by God.

beg to be removed from my body and my energy vibrational field all that I belong, to be returned to the light source is always Divine Wisdom.

Blessed be, blessed be, blessed be, Amen.

I sincerely hope this will be useful, each one can of course add the words of love that spring from the heart, as we have all learned that we must be Beacons of Light and Love and as such we have to share this with these souls or beings that are wrong in their way.

Love, Alexiis.

Taking Protien When Will My Hair Stop Falling Out


Alexiis, April 5, 2011

Given the interest it has received my message of "The Loss and Return of the Soul", I'll go a little further and comment that way we can affect souls lost.

Although we speak of possession as one of the effects of the lost cause in a living person, I have to clarify that there is no real ownership of the physical body. Nobody gets into the body of another person, although this may be the apparent feeling.

We mention here the difference between a psychic and a channeler, in the case of the medium, the soul of light or of darkness want to express is introduced into the body of it, while the soul is to the side or out until you can once again take its rightful place. The channeler does not allow the entry of another soul to your body and receives messages in the form of energy packets that your mind has to translate into spoken words or in writing.

What may occur in severe cases, is that the lost soul controls the mind and will of the individual. This is when it may appear that the subject is possessed, but what is really happening is that your consciousness has been displaced due to the psychological strength of the invading entity, and instead of the person is manifesting another consciousness. When the person returns to consciousness itself has no memory of what happened.

For those who are in contact with a person suffering from this invasion, the impression is as if the individual was actually owned, but a spiritual entity need not get into the body of a person to influence it. You just have to adhere to this vibratory field.

addition, the lost soul does not need to be present in its complete form to exert their influence. It is sufficient that a fragment of the lost soul energy into the vibrational field of a person to cause this disruption.

This would explain why the same lost soul can act on several people at the same time.

seems then to discard the body is a part of the soul that reaches the light while they can be fragments of its energy trapped in the physical body or in the atmosphere. (Note: This is why when I do Past Life Therapy I have to always be attentive to any part of the soul has been trapped in the physical body). In some ways this is what happens when there is loss of soul. One part is removed while the person is alive with the rest of its energy. (See previous post about loss and restoration of the soul).

For a better understanding, what is usually called as a 'ghost' is a fragment of a dissociated personality that has been separated from the rest and remains imprisoned in an eternal present integrated components while continuing their normal process of evolution.

A lost soul is a fragment of energy that has been separated from its higher principle while it continues its evolution. Incidentally, a ghost is a lost soul, only restricted by tradition associated or anchored to a site more than a person.

so that it is possible that a person is embodied in his physical body as part of the energy of his soul is still trapped in another reality. In fact, an important aspect of work Therapies Past Life is to retrieve and integrate these pieces of energy trapped in traumatic experiences from past lives or this life. (Note: This is what happened to me and for that I am speaking of own experience).

However, a fragment of a soul retains all the properties and memory of the personality which are decoupled, because it behaves similarly to a hologram which contains a piece and can play the entire unit information original. This means that the dissociated fragment preserves not only memory but also the emotions, fears, beliefs and inclinations of the personality which comes from acting and behaving like this one.

Many of you have read or heard of Kirlian photography, where the person's aura can be perceived intrusive powers, which generate their own energy field, so they can attract to their field influence other foreign particles, which would explain why once a lost soul has entered the aura of a person, it facilitates the entry of new entities.

When these particles or intrusive energies are present in the aura of a person, absorb life energy as if fed directly from the vibrational field of the person they inhabit. They can even take power person if they were outside this vibratory field.

So all intrusive energy, whatever, whoever, is like a parasite that feeds on the energy of a living being. This is the reason that clinically manifests a lack of energy and fatigue, chronic fatigue. Quite simply it is energy vampires.

At the same time, causing interference resulting in a number of physical symptoms, mental and emotional problems in the affected person. As well as being able to influence the thoughts and behaviors of the person whose energy field have been located. So that instead of a spirit possession, have a particle or a field of arbitrary power that causes changes in the vibrational field energy of the person involved.

From the very moment when a lost soul had joined the vibrational field of a person, begins to exert his influence on this, but we must not forget that this influence can be felt even when the entity is outside the aura of person. It is likely that initially the lost soul adheres to the aura of a living person and that the invasion process take time. The energy penetrates more intrusive in a person's vibrational field, the greater its influence on this.

Most of the lost souls do not cause this influence purpose, at least initially. Often, influence and their effects are produced without the lost soul has even notion of what is happening. The mere presence of a lost soul in our vibrational field will produce undesirable effects on us. It is as if short-circuit our energy dynamics.

Once the lost soul has been installed on the aura of a person, it begins to have feelings, emotions, thoughts and behaviors or attitudes that do not belong. Some people realize that something strange is happening or know but do not say so for fear of being taken for mad.

Some of the symptoms seen are:

Ø Sometimes I hear a voice inside me telling me things.

Ø It is as if something inside me forced me to do things that they want to do. Ø

Sometimes I have thoughts that are not mine.

Ø There are times when I say I look like someone else.

Or is there something in (or out) of me that prevents me from doing what I propose. Ø

Sometimes I feel as if no will within me.

As often lost soul adherence is common in childhood, the person grows and develops in a way that might create its own, but in reality it is not entirely. If the invasion occurs aura in adulthood, the difference between before and after may be clearer. When that happens, you can usually identify any event or moment from which there was a change in mood or behavior of the individual.

could have been an accident, surgery, rape or great emotional pain or just a courtesy visit to an acquaintance in the hospital.

traumas, feelings, emotions and beliefs do not end or resolve because you die. When we leave this life, we take our history away. No one becomes a sage or teacher for the mere fact of dying. Moreover, by staying the lost soul on the physical plane also preserves the pains that had the physical body, because it has been left with that impression.

This topic is so broad it could write pages and pages, which is not my intention, but all of the above we again emphasize the importance of the work currently as Lightworkers do with saving souls, as it is our intention to help the soul to ascend to the light no longer be lurking in the plane of the third dimension.

when a family we also transcends, it is always advisable to do a job that I call "Help those who spend Plano, invoking the help of Archangel Michael lighting a white candle and make it for 7 days. With this act of love we provide to our loved one's ascension into the light. Below the text convey land use for these circumstances.

I hope that this information is helpful, and I say with love, Alexiis


NOTE: This is a kind of help the person who has learned, to help the soul find their way into the light. If you want you can also light a white candle a day, of course letting it finishes burning, so it should not use large candles. The meaning is to give light to the soul.

When a student the spiritual journey he learns that someone has gone through what is called "death", immediately contact your level of meditation and ask the help of Archangel Michael and his Servants of Light, with the following invocation:

"In the name My Beloved Presence of God I AM, I invoke the Archangel Michael, to their servers Blue Light, the Beloved Master Astrea, to attend this be ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. (name) that recently has gone flat, the change called "death."

Cut, cut, cut all human creation, undesirable habits, destructive forces, egregores, who tried to disrupt unharmonious conditions, replacing all that with the purity and perfection that every human being, it falls.

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to protect and take care of this Being to pass quickly through the scent of the earth's atmosphere. Cut the ties that bind magnetic material world, so that he / she can give up their passions, their desires and move quickly to the plane of light, which must continue its evolution.

May your mighty power to save it every time! Guide him and keep it sealed in your brand new light! Get rid of him all evil influences, embodied or disembodied, all entity that is not in harmony with the goodness and perfection. Serena your soul, your mind and give peace to your heart! Lighten your burden as much as possible!

I ask you, Archangel Michael, to raise your sword quickly and short blue flame, cut, cut all the negative in every cell, atom, in the lower vehicles that make up his being. He / she sits down and accepts it with intensity, as it now offers the release that is not the Light, and Faith is what determines the outcome.

"I AM" the faith by the power of my Magna Presence.

I thank you, Archangel Michael, and the Beings of Light who have attended ... ... ... ... .. (Name). Bendigo the glory of the Archangel Michael and decree that everything is done in Love and Perfection.

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Much Money Does Pinky Have


April 4, 2011

http: / /

http: / / /

always want to receive messages from the ascended masters, each other, no matter who receives them, the important thing is to take the wisdom and quietly read it to understand it, reconsidered, and then if we see in our degree and possibilities, and make our life we \u200b\u200bdo it with our own experience.

So my own experience leads me to have a constant connection with my higher self, and that's where I draw the light and the love which is as wisdom from the source of God the Father-Mother , that I am, realizing that I will not access more than I can understand and is best for me and to share with everyone in my awareness and want to use it.

Yes, my brother, so, we must be very vigilant to seize every opportunity that offers the ... now aware of this important moment of receiving the higher energies, and thus make them yours and show what you are at all times giving, taking in what you receive each day, with more energy of your Higher Self into your physical body.

This higher energy that you are constantly getting in these three years of the triad of the Trinity, 2010-2011-2012, is the great opportunity that all mankind is making the most, all but the even more awake, and Lightworkers is your great opportunity, which depends on their use of your state to receive constant observation, and enlarge it in your heart . Upon receipt

consciously and constantly, is what attracts more energy of your Higher Self into the physical body, and having more energy higher in the physical body, all your subtle bodies are balancing and harmonizing, and the physical body also receives health necessary, being all very good in all senses of evolution.

So I say, you have to consciously take all moments, and then to receive this high energy, we must project it out to the benefit of all life around you, being a center of light and love in constant action of aid, for those who also are also getting what need each other in unity.

This energy is a constant string, a consciously receive it, and they are more accountable to enlarge it and give it to others, in every way possible, and so will expand from one to another, such as free energy and equally high for all , although they are not aware if they are also the good will of the common good.

just want to tell and repeat this attention, which is the most important thing you have to consider at this time, consciously receive this high energy, enlarge the heart, and give it in every possible way to others, creating the chain of giving and receiving of itself to infinity.

This energy, if you're receptive, you will give you fully aware that you are much more awake to attract your creativity in various activities and services to others, so I tell my brothers, that all components of the groups, circles, you can also create your own group with your family, friends, neighbors ... and in this case no matter the number, and no matter how you to try in your meetings, in principle only be touching the hearts and in line with the beliefs of each, just to practice the oneness of heart, do not meditate or do spiritual concepts and high, would only be to turn the hearts together.

My brothers, everything is spiritual, and in these times, the Lightworkers, you have to prove more than ever, giving your light to others, to help in any way possible, enabling the creativity of each and putting in the service of all, adjusting the degree of the brothers that you have before in your life, with the willingness to listen and make some heart at this time. I already

I say that everything is spiritual, and you must be willing to see the needs they are asking for assistance, this aid is not clearly revealed because they know how to ask or how to receive, but his soul is calling it the, and that's where you have to have the courage to perceive these sisters / you to tell them somehow that I can meet if only to talk.

simply, is that they know all that you are willing to cooperate with whom you need to express what you feel inside at this special time, putting it easier for those who dare not openly decide, and proposing a meeting to talk about everything what is past and what they think of it each, and hence, may arise as all that is necessary for the good of all.

see that this is not easy, to tell our family, friends and acquaintances that we meet to talk about something that is not pleasing to them, and also can touch the conscience and commitment to play situations that are uncomfortable, but others people do want and need to question them, so you have to expose all possible, to get advantage of this energy we're all getting high, so we can help those who are available to receive it in the best way possible for them.

This suggestion one step further for the Lightworkers, no easy, but is a service for the brave, with all his energy say it loud and clear, that they are responsible for everything that is happening and want to put their part to make the future better for everyone, and if we unite, if only for the curiosity to learn everything that is happening now, and then those who want to see what can be done together and each to their possibilities.

already tell you that it would actively put your creativity, to receive and give everything possible to help you all you can and want, but are you, the Lightworkers, who have to take that first bold step and courageous, to tell others that you offer some Thus, to give to turn the hearts.

These times are to receive and lift you high energy each as possible, and then this energy that we each have to expose it, not by preaching on street corners, no, but by example of life in principle, and , offering simple and humble of heart, to talk about life, and thus give all that each one is, in the manner possible.

Because if you do not give, no one knows that you can get what you need, and although not easy, we have the courage to let us know, and what we offer who asks us, always from the heart and the humility to serve the good of others, regardless of religion, political or social status, would be in line with the needs of each belief, to help as best as possible, and always with the love of the heart, and only around that which unites us.

Brothers, I am aware of the Lightworkers, indicating a step more in this time of ascension ...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

United Health, Gynecologist


Alexiis, April 2, 2011

me share with you something that has me a few years ago past, it is incomprehensible, but thanks to a deep inner work I was able to solve.

The loss of the soul is something that can happen to anyone and therefore I want to convey a little more information.

The soul is pure energy, it is our lifeblood, our strength, our personal power. The soul is the principle of life, no soul, no life. In the shamanic perspective, part of our vital essence can split and lost in a non-ordinary reality. Shamans see the disease as a lost soul or a decrease in the essential spiritual energy.

A shock can cause a loss of vital energy. The shock is an unpleasant event that causes a portion of the soul of a person off and get lost.

soul loss is the loss of critical parts that are lost due to trauma and who has suffered the greatest trauma is the child who lives within us. When we experience trauma, especially in childhood, a part of our vital essence can be separated from us to survive the experience and to escape the pain and the psychological impact that involves an experience unbearable.

The loss of the soul or a part of it may be caused by any traumatic experience. We do not know how this occurs, the fact is that some of the energy of the soul leaving the individual fragments. When this happens, the person is complete and the part that was lost in another reality or unwilling to return.

By losing this piece of the energy person loses his strength, personal power and that means it also loses its natural protection. His shield vibration protection and will not be as effective as it should be. From the moment a part of the soul is gone, the person is weakened, devitalized, depressed and be more vulnerable to disease and the triggering of intrusive powers, including any lost souls and spiritual entities.

is important to understand here that the party has been not on what we know as the subconscious or unconscious. It is not just an ego split or dissociated. The fragment that was simply not here. In the shamanic concept, the parties life of self that have been isolated can become trapped in a non-ordinary reality or they may have found more pleasurable worlds where they want to be or may have been lost in another dimension and do not know how to return.

Part of healing is to retrieve those parts in the ordinary world and returned to the true owner. Below give some indication of what may be tried on a personal level.

soul loss is the result of traumas such as sexual abuse, child abuse and corporal punishment, loss of a loved one, neglect or parental separation, divorce, surgery, accidents, major illness, torture, kidnapping, death threats, abortion, war experiences, addiction and failure or frustrated love. The coma is an extreme example of soul loss and sexual abuse, especially if it occurs in childhood, is one of the traumas that most often causes the loss of the soul.

A child can not do anything about it, can not defend, can not help, can not understand what is happening, and most often has no one to tell. The only remedy is out of body soul and not return to it for the simple reason that it is dangerous to be in that body.

If a person has been raped, but only occurred once, it is almost certain that some of she's gone and lost in another dimension. Any situation that resembles a violation, although it is not sexual abuse, involves the potential risk of loss of part of the soul.

As I mentioned, there may be loss of the soul during pregnancy or at birth. There are people who say "I do not feel at all here," or is "like do not belong to the earth" or "as if it were always absent." Without knowing it, are expressing more intuitively true reality of what we believe.

At the same time, the loss of the soul represents the feeling of being full and empty. The shamans say that the universe does not support a vacuum and that the space created in the aura of a person can be held by the disease or other energies. It is also said that the trauma produced something like black holes in the vibrational field of the person concerned. Not that they are real holes, but that's how he sees the seer in the aura of the person. Those holes

work like a vacuum pump, absorbing all energies for the sole purpose of filling the gap created by the trauma. The unconscious tendency is to fill that empty space and with entertainment, drugs, alcohol, compulsive sex and of course, lost souls.

Based on all that we can better understand how our vibrational field may be affected in its entirety making us vulnerable to the actions of any energy from other dimensions. This includes not only lost souls, but also thoughts and psychic energies of living people, which in popular parlance is known as the bad vibes or bad vibes.

All unhealed traumatic experience is the universal cause of the loss of the integrity of our vibrational field shield with the consequent vulnerability to the action of intrusive energies. This can occur in childhood, adolescence and into adulthood, but when the trauma occurs before the seventh year involves also the strong possibility that the soul leaves the body to avoid pain.

output and soul loss can occur at any time of life, but is more likely to occur in children because the incarnation has not yet been completed, which should be at seven years old. As part of the energy is gone and has not returned to the field of child protection, it is weakened, suitable for the invasion of lost souls or other intrusive energy. It's like leaving the abandoned house, an invitation for holding a resident intruder.

As an example, imagine an extreme case: the person has refused to be born, which means that part of his energy down the body at birth. Later, at the age of four, was sexually abused. Because of this fact another part of his soul and left never to return, at age eight his grandfather dies, his real emotional support in life. The death of the grandfather he asks: "Grandpa, take me," and there's another part of the soul. Today, that person is fifty years, their vibrational field is a sieve, through which come all kinds of energy and, despite the years, is not complete. He is not here with all his presence and is more than likely that, in addition to carrying them lost souls, also has difficulties in carrying out their projects for the simple reason that it has no power to do so.

Speaking of trauma, we must not ignore the fact that unresolved traumatic experiences of past lives also leave an area of \u200b\u200bweakness in the vibrational field. And even when the soul is gone, unresolved trauma is as if one had an open wound on which fly resting with the consequences that are easy to imagine.

surgical interventions, especially if performed under general anesthesia, are also a welcome opportunity for lost souls adhere and invade a person's vibrational field.

Any operation of magnitude causes what is known as stress, shock or trauma. The physical body responds to this trauma with physiological mechanisms of adaptation and compensation. In launching this response the body consumes large amounts of vital energy, which implies that the natural protection of the person will be inevitably undermined. To this we must add that as a result of general anesthesia, the soul is externalized, ie it follows the body, but we can never know beforehand what the magnitude of this release.

may be mild and that the soul is hovering only slightly above the body, while observed the operation and then return to it, it is also possible that the release is greater and that the soul passes to a non-ordinary reality which can not return or may not want to return. He opened his eyes the person regains consciousness, but a part of its essence is not there. This further aggravates the weakness of the vibratory field, which facilitates the entry of intrusive energies. Perhaps, while they were operating at the person in question, in the operating room next door died, another took the opportunity to get into the vibratory field of someone younger.

In particular, long illnesses create vulnerability in this regard and also cause a vibratory field weakening for vital energy. Any condition that involves vital energy, and consequently, decreased vibratory field of protection, facilitate the entry of lost souls.

habits of the people are another consideration. In particular addiction to snuff, alcohol and narcotic drugs, facilitate the invasion and the triggering of intrusive energies. This kind of rancid easily and also volatilizes to imbue our vibrational field, end up damaging and weakening. With only adhere to the magnetic aura of a person, the lost and others may perceive and experience the glow emanating the person who is smoking or using any drugs. Say that every time a smoker is not alone, someone else is there to take the opportunity.

The truth is that the smoker is smoking by entities that have adhered to their affinity vibrational aura. This is one reason why it is so hard to stop smoking or drinking, because the entity has adhered encourages the person to continue to do so because they do not have the physical body suffers from lack of snuff or alcohol. It is not just to exercise the will, is struggling with another will.

There are many other things that can provide a gateway for disembodied beings, but it is not my intention to this message throughout a medical treatise. Are involved sex without love, vulnerability, emotional, karmic origin, pacts with the darkness and finally, playing the board 'ouija' or the game of the cup.

Let's see what possibilities we have for

"return of the soul":

  1. Perhaps the soul is highly fragmented, made bits, and we have to call back these bits of different moments of life, were lost due to trauma, emotional conflicts, tremendous pain, moments of childhood.
  2. Someone could have stolen your soul, like a animal, a magician, a Macumba, a shaman, your mom, your dad or someone close.
  3. With regard to the theft of the soul may be that in a past life they have taken something away from them, or so we kill them, hurt them, we take away something that belonged to them, without knowing it, then do a swap with the soul of them, to give us back our own.
  4. Barter takes the form of promises not to do such a thing, be more gentle, and so on.
  5. For this, if one wishes to address at their own, without professional help, I recommend looking for a quiet place to do so, either lying down or sitting, you can prepare the same clothes a zahumerio, a candle, taking a flower and if you are a believer, the image of a Being of Light. We
  6. several deep breaths, and then if possible out loud, call back to our soul, and the way is the search for a part of you that have been lost.
  7. should be recalled any time of life that was difficult, which could have lost your soul.
  8. Now raise your hands and call back his soul, using all the willpower available, call back, in the circumstances that have been, always loud. Then you need to repeat and repeat:



  1. Then to come, you have to slowly lower them and put them inside your body, using universal precautions have to respond to penetrate into your body, everything down to the tip of your heart. All is forgiven now ... and have to forgive you too.
  2. Are you willing to breathe honesty and open your mouth to enter your soul? It is the power of your will, you see a big ball of light, sometimes lower ceiling as waves, sometimes peach-colored, sometimes all the colors. Sometimes the souls of people come from diverse places.

After you are finished suggest this treatment to express gratitude for what has been achieved either through prayer or by using the words that come from the heart to welcome back the lost soul.

I hope this brief information will be useful, as I mentioned at the beginning, I have experienced and I managed to get my soul and be full again. It was hard but worth it to me as having been fragmented or lost soul is the same one like a robot, or what felt like a total vacuum, and slowly returned to empower me, first in everyday life and then also on the spiritual.

only comment that I have received from Past Life Therapist with Dr. José Luis Cabouli, whose latest book is called "Therapy Spiritual Possession", which also addresses this issue. Unfortunately the book is exhausted and will not know if another issue.

As always sharing my experiences here also share what I've lived and learned. Apart from sending the text to my readers, I will publish it in various blogs. Love, Alexiis

and all other series of blogs.