Channeled by Sorema
May 2, 2011
In order to remove the present united consciousness of Lightworkers ... I'm open to see what I perceive ...
Most lightworkers are looking to energy widely dispersed in different directions, it is vitally important to have a common guide to all equally, but you have phone via abroad, is very confused, because in outside is the darkness with all their might, putting all sorts of traps, and precisely the light workers to the most.
therefore better for you would take this guide and direct unified, and internally, with your Higher Self ... in the power of the United awareness of your higher selves that we have created, and it's where you can catch all the same guide to todo lo que se puede realizar con el mismo sentido de dirección.
Por el contrario, todavía hay muchos que estáis dedicados a emplear casi todas vuestras energías hacia el exterior, con toda clase de actividades externas… donde los oscuros tienen el dominio con sus técnicas superiores a las que vosotros no podéis ver con claridad, creyendo que estáis haciendo lo correcto, y muchos de vosotros estáis cayendo una y otra vez en lo que ellos quieren, en un constante entretenimiento aparentemente espiritual, y ello os lleva a una energía fuera de la unidad, tan necesaria para todos en estos momentos.
Es por ello, que urge la necesidad de que todos los Trabajadores de la Luz… se cuestionen la situación who are living each, what they are doing, and if that's what tells your inner light, or if directed by the infinite outside distractions, with all sorts of different ways to tell each other, with all the great influence of questionable information daily and constant, no time, nothing more than to meet all the influx always outside only.
So are you lot, where drivers want you to be, which is always outside yourself, disjointed and confused with many different fields of action at a time, and unable to attend any of the best way, everything is external, much to while, different, interesting, appropriate to distract, and large As confusing, that you will not lead anywhere good.
All guides and teachers of light, and you have more than enough for your need in this time of promotion to higher states of consciousness ... Why do you follow many of you, looking for more, regardless of what you already have ? ... who are in this search unnecessary, and without regard either to what you already have of real value, all the time you are engaged in endless distractions only interesting ... Do not you ever going to give account of the maneuver that you have involved? ...
You have been given more than enough to Lightworkers that you may be focused on what is most important, but it means working hard every man examine himself, and for many it is easier to let go only for ceremonies and nice and beautiful outdoor activities that do not undertake to no effort and personal improvement to progress.
teachers have given you everything you need for your climb, but there are many that will work instead of themselves, prefer the most comfortable, and so are holding events all climb in humanity, because if you do not you, the Lightworkers, nobody else will do, because that is what you wanted to come at this time. Dear
implicates urgent ... everyone what they are doing and what you can do ... is of vital importance to many, is not that you leave everything you're doing outside, nice and pretty, no, but, also spend the necessary time to internal communication your Higher Self ... in the unified consciousness of all Supreme Beings of Light Workers United.
Just this direct route is where you can remove them all at once the same intention United action, all at once, in the same direction, without much regard to external distraction of constant energy is the only way that you can have all the Light Workers very act of unity, to achieve the ascent with Gaia. Already
you had to be very aware of this internal drive via your higher selves together and leave for a while almost everything you consideréis external than you are cramping, and you would see as you can communicate with yourself and aware of your Higher Selves together, where sacaríais the information you need, without hindrance from other powers of distraction.
To do this, you have to take into account before, the lessons that I gave each one for domestic work yourself, strengthen your spirit in unity, with the personal work everyone has to do for himself and without delay, for those who have left in their external distraction. Well
know all Lightworkers, what you are leaving behind and can not move well until trabajéis not, that is why the need for your communication with your Higher Self, so that tells you all you have to work first , and then take the unified consciousness everything you need to be united in all your external actions.
Therefore, it is vitally important that reflection and communication with your Higher Self, because he will tell you your need, but you can distract other external cues, to get the strength and clarity that all you need, with the same direction as all want to take together at this difficult time seeing the best to follow.
The communication with the source of inner light and love are all your teachers of humanity, united with your Higher Selves, where you will see for yourselves, such as pipes coincide very selective and also felt that you can receive via the Internet outside .
Therefore, I repeat, it is vital that all Lightworkers to question what they are doing and what they have to do to make good use of this important time, and become aware of it, making a withdrawal Internal with your Higher Self daily in a safe place at all times of days or months necessary with questions and answers to take the security of a seamless and secure communication with your Higher Self, the constant time and need no outside distractions.
Without further delay, try daily to connect with your higher self and feel for yourself what it says, and surely this will you have to work you first before anything, and he will give you all the love, clarity and encouragement you need.
All your Higher Selves are united in a universal consciousness, where you can take with your higher self, whatever is your need to carry out your actions with great force Unit, the highest good of all of you.
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