We spend our lives waiting for something to happen ... when it's just life. Carpe Diem:)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Using A Wgt624 As A Wireless Bridge For Xbox 360
Good news for those who are struggling with the mortgage ...
Thanks to @ vicenterodado we heard the latest pump information about mortgage issues are concerned. We read in the Platform for Mortgages Affected by the news in a court of Navarre has ruled that the bank must provide for liquidated debt a mortgage to have qualified for the payment in kind. That is, that no longer respond mortgaged their future on debt assets. In giving his home, the judge considers the claim is closed when it less than the value given by the bank after the appraisal at the time of payment in kind.
The key is that the bank to foreclose, the property had been awarded for 50% of the appraised value. The judge, even remembers that banks have an inescapable responsibility in the crisis we are experiencing, and it is this crisis that has left unemployed and without income for many families who now can not afford to pay the mortgage. Tela. If this statement
generate case law and establish a legal basis, the banks will have many problems. At the moment I do not doubt that soon we returned to be instructed on new procedures for payment in kind. We'll see.
can see the news here: Historical sentence ratified by the regional court of Navarre, in which a court applies de facto foreclosed!
You should also take a look at the blog of Jose Luis Ruiz Bartolomé which explains very well what it could mean this sentence.
http://blogdetasadores.blogspot.com/ you very much !!
Thanks to @ vicenterodado we heard the latest pump information about mortgage issues are concerned. We read in the Platform for Mortgages Affected by the news in a court of Navarre has ruled that the bank must provide for liquidated debt a mortgage to have qualified for the payment in kind. That is, that no longer respond mortgaged their future on debt assets. In giving his home, the judge considers the claim is closed when it less than the value given by the bank after the appraisal at the time of payment in kind.
The key is that the bank to foreclose, the property had been awarded for 50% of the appraised value. The judge, even remembers that banks have an inescapable responsibility in the crisis we are experiencing, and it is this crisis that has left unemployed and without income for many families who now can not afford to pay the mortgage. Tela. If this statement
generate case law and establish a legal basis, the banks will have many problems. At the moment I do not doubt that soon we returned to be instructed on new procedures for payment in kind. We'll see.
can see the news here: Historical sentence ratified by the regional court of Navarre, in which a court applies de facto foreclosed!
You should also take a look at the blog of Jose Luis Ruiz Bartolomé which explains very well what it could mean this sentence.
http://blogdetasadores.blogspot.com/ you very much !!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Sunamerica Variable Annuity
seems that life gives you surprises, surprises come life .. . and lately not to shoot rockets. Start
projects at hand in this chaotic situation that seems to never end, mixed health, and lack of family nearby, and coupled with how badly they're having friends ... CARPE DIEM
Carpe diem, but balanced, we must live in the moment, but we are out of hand.
advantage, do you enjoy, live and let live.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
How Fast Do Nipple Piercings Close
: BELIEVE (part 1)
Dear blog,
It's amazing what you feel when you realize and assume that 90% of the things that happen in life, good or bad up to you and your "mental approach." In general lines is something we all know but I think that usually are not very aware of it or not we use and manage this "truth," we cover saying "good luck", or "the fault is not mine" or "Stuff happens", or "life is ..". No, because on this "version" of our lives who taught us there is also another side: that our mental power well used can achieve all our dreams and be the way we want to be.
If we can dream, can achieve. If someone dreamed of discovering new places, new species of animals, new drugs, new planets, or simply make your life the
reflection of your dreams is clear that you can get. Did they have something we do not? probably yes. They clearly had not let the doubts and fears to beat Esperanza.
I've always believed that life gives us signs, one way or another, help us achieve our dreams. Now I know that we ourselves are the ones who provoke these signals because when you ask for something to life, this gives it to you, whether good or not. Of course not in all cases when something bad happens to us, for example health, is that we've been calling and planning, but also is known by all doctors that the best medicine for the disease is a POSITIVE attitude and a struggle AND ACTIVE. And that means that if we project to improve, no doubt we will.
believe, that is the word "magic." If you think you can be like want to be, will be. No doubt. If you want a full life, a life like you've always dreamed, you can have it. If you want to be a star, will be. But if you think you have bad luck, you never achieve your dreams, you're not on the right track and that what you want is too difficult for you, then also have that.
a couple of months ago I read a book that opened my eyes. Based on belief and the power of what we want. Usually what explains the book already knew, but of course I had never read a book that summed up so well, so so clear explain it to stay inside you forever. From then on I tried to figure out why if I really knew the basis of achieving the dream, why could not realize the most important? because from that moment on "life" gave me the opportunity to find my "fixed point", to make that balance imprecindible and realize so many things that had to review ... and so I did.
But believing is not easy. Believe for a few hours or even for a few days if it is simple, make it part of you is hard work, knowing endure the bad times and even being in them know that you will achieve your dreams, that is believing.
know what is best, my dear blog, you realize this? because now you know that everything depends on you, your strength. And now everything is easier because you are alert.
Now I can see my dreams and face to face. Because you have to dream and see the world more beautiful, because good sleep is that it is infinite. Requests that you receive. There is hope and it never will end. Cree, work at it and let time happen because you'll find your place.
Greetings from Berlin.
It's amazing what you feel when you realize and assume that 90% of the things that happen in life, good or bad up to you and your "mental approach." In general lines is something we all know but I think that usually are not very aware of it or not we use and manage this "truth," we cover saying "good luck", or "the fault is not mine" or "Stuff happens", or "life is ..". No, because on this "version" of our lives who taught us there is also another side: that our mental power well used can achieve all our dreams and be the way we want to be.
If we can dream, can achieve. If someone dreamed of discovering new places, new species of animals, new drugs, new planets, or simply make your life the

I've always believed that life gives us signs, one way or another, help us achieve our dreams. Now I know that we ourselves are the ones who provoke these signals because when you ask for something to life, this gives it to you, whether good or not. Of course not in all cases when something bad happens to us, for example health, is that we've been calling and planning, but also is known by all doctors that the best medicine for the disease is a POSITIVE attitude and a struggle AND ACTIVE. And that means that if we project to improve, no doubt we will.
believe, that is the word "magic." If you think you can be like want to be, will be. No doubt. If you want a full life, a life like you've always dreamed, you can have it. If you want to be a star, will be. But if you think you have bad luck, you never achieve your dreams, you're not on the right track and that what you want is too difficult for you, then also have that.
a couple of months ago I read a book that opened my eyes. Based on belief and the power of what we want. Usually what explains the book already knew, but of course I had never read a book that summed up so well, so so clear explain it to stay inside you forever. From then on I tried to figure out why if I really knew the basis of achieving the dream, why could not realize the most important? because from that moment on "life" gave me the opportunity to find my "fixed point", to make that balance imprecindible and realize so many things that had to review ... and so I did.
But believing is not easy. Believe for a few hours or even for a few days if it is simple, make it part of you is hard work, knowing endure the bad times and even being in them know that you will achieve your dreams, that is believing.
know what is best, my dear blog, you realize this? because now you know that everything depends on you, your strength. And now everything is easier because you are alert.
Now I can see my dreams and face to face. Because you have to dream and see the world more beautiful, because good sleep is that it is infinite. Requests that you receive. There is hope and it never will end. Cree, work at it and let time happen because you'll find your place.
Greetings from Berlin.
personal blog of actor Daniel delevin
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Watch Operation Repo Movie For Free
Dear Blog,
Dear Blog,
time ago I noticed something very curious. There are certain people who have a rare natural gift. It is a "gift" that others can have and get them but that is something of his own nature: success.
I found that people who achieve high goals in life (read the objectives unusual for the ambitious nature of his goal) maintain a very specific mental state. His life revolves around your goals and constantly projecting know, know permeate every time of their lives, their friends, their conversations, their relationships, I call it FC (Focus Costante).
This state also they can reach people who do not have that "gift" natural. It takes a series of exercises to get FC and, frankly, it is extremely difficult to get blankets long time. But something difficult is not impossible. It requires effort and some sacrifice. But it's like when you start going to the gym: the beginning is hard and can only take like 7 minutes but then you see results and your body has adapted to the new routine. In this case the comparison with the Gym is very valid as it is also easier to get those results with a trainer staff but also the objective can be achieved individually, will cost more, but is achieved.
often admire people who have achieved higher goals than us and we ask for your secret answer is only one FC
I know some people who are touched by this gift naturally. As my friend Tom (in fact this article was originally called Tim, or the secret of success). It is totally amazing
ability to project and focus. He came to get exactly what you suggested when I met him some years ago in Madrid. It was so fast and so dramatic (of course due to his enormous talent and effort was not a gift of fate) the problem was when consigió all, because even for the success must be prepared, because a day after getting a specific target.

These people are often surrounded by many people, we could not exactly define them as friends and people who have no works towards the FC state that "attempts to" getting used to, or suck that energy they emit. That is the other side of this "gift" to believe that also attract good people to their side as they do not stop to appreciate these "parasites" and that his mind is on target. Over time, these "alleged friends" end up "undermining" those fortunate to only one reason: there is nothing but envy causing a potential failure than success.
but these people are LIGHT. They are an example for others to achieve dreams is possible. They want is power. They can be successful and good people. Many difficulties that you always put your life can go forward.
And as Michael Jordan:
I failed over and over again in my life, so I've been successful
Here ends the first part of my article on CONSTANT FOCUS . What had been pending for a long time.
personal blog of actor Daniel delevin
Monday, January 3, 2011
Percent Iron In Fe2o3
Dear Blog,
I have the need and desire to share an idea new round me in the head from a few days ago about when starting within one sentiments that could lead to fall in love. It is the mirror theory.
Obviously I have not revealed any hidden secret of mankind but I think this theory many times and levels CALM certain feelings when they are beginning to boil
I can summarize the mirror theory as follows
I have the need and desire to share an idea new round me in the head from a few days ago about when starting within one sentiments that could lead to fall in love. It is the mirror theory.
Obviously I have not revealed any hidden secret of mankind but I think this theory many times and levels CALM certain feelings when they are beginning to boil

I can summarize the mirror theory as follows
"I am a mirror, if you talk about feelings, I mean, if you give love, give, if advance, advances, ... but if you stop flight. "
The idea is this: we assume that when we meet someone and both consciously and unconsciously noticed an affinity our brain begins to secrete substances that important changes in us reaching be physical (the pressure in the chest, this anxiety to know the other person ..) as well as psychological (I like ... .. like me will like?, insecurities), this is natural when we begin to empathize with someone is a chemical process that is called: LOVE.
The mirror theory is based on reason in helping us to assess whether this chaos must stop, continue or pause the process. And now you'll wonder why you rationalize something as beautiful as the attraction? It is very easy to avoid suffering and to suffer.
People are very complicated, you can find someone that looks wonderful and then be constantly suffering, because they are giving more love and attention than they receive or be manandando receiving messages and silences, and be feeling you're doing stupid things, and ... hundreds and hundreds of details like that. Or the opposite, maybe you're not respecting the other person's space, do not really know if the other person has more "other people" and should be given more time to assemble it all in place, or have questions or injured open the past that have to heal ... In short .. As proposed by my theory is clarity.
The executive summary would be the NEXT: The light / to the person, let her know that you like. From there dedicate to observe and only act when you see a reaction. For example, after a night of passion where everything has been perfect or more than perfect and seems to start something, talk to that person and exposing him JUST like you. The next day send a message to see how it is, if you respond, you will respond. If you are clear to see you, do the same. If you do not clear it or feel that you do not, DO NOT. If it opens, open up, if you get a sign of affection, give him two, if he says he thinks of you, throwing some rope. But and this is important if you see that is losing interest, it works enough, you're a figure more in her book of the week: FLY FLY FRIEND.
Because if you give love, receive love you if you give attention to receive the same. Do not give in exchange pure feelings of fear, indifference, or half measures. No. Respect. Also do not hasten but mostly do not give steps back. Valorate or never will. If they are unable to see anything good in you and take care of that which is born: FLY, FLY HIGH. DES NO STEPS BACK IN YOUR LIFE. LIFE IS MOVING. HAVE A NEW PARTNER IS A NEW OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE OLD NO ERRORS.
People are very complicated, you can find someone that looks wonderful and then be constantly suffering, because they are giving more love and attention than they receive or be manandando receiving messages and silences, and be feeling you're doing stupid things, and ... hundreds and hundreds of details like that. Or the opposite, maybe you're not respecting the other person's space, do not really know if the other person has more "other people" and should be given more time to assemble it all in place, or have questions or injured open the past that have to heal ... In short .. As proposed by my theory is clarity.
The executive summary would be the NEXT: The light / to the person, let her know that you like. From there dedicate to observe and only act when you see a reaction. For example, after a night of passion where everything has been perfect or more than perfect and seems to start something, talk to that person and exposing him JUST like you. The next day send a message to see how it is, if you respond, you will respond. If you are clear to see you, do the same. If you do not clear it or feel that you do not, DO NOT. If it opens, open up, if you get a sign of affection, give him two, if he says he thinks of you, throwing some rope. But and this is important if you see that is losing interest, it works enough, you're a figure more in her book of the week: FLY FLY FRIEND.
Because if you give love, receive love you if you give attention to receive the same. Do not give in exchange pure feelings of fear, indifference, or half measures. No. Respect. Also do not hasten but mostly do not give steps back. Valorate or never will. If they are unable to see anything good in you and take care of that which is born: FLY, FLY HIGH. DES NO STEPS BACK IN YOUR LIFE. LIFE IS MOVING. HAVE A NEW PARTNER IS A NEW OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE OLD NO ERRORS.
Remember that a mirror is not wrong, are a reflection of what you see, than you are, what you get. Talking about feelings if you give more than what you get the result will always be painful for you.
personal blog of actor Daniel delevin
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Bikini Waxing Uncensored
a post when I started blogging, I think applying this 2011:
absolutely all human beings are happier or less happy moments. One of the books I've read lately (and I read very few articles I'm over the Internet and newspapers) has made me reflect on Eastern culture (the oldest in the world). Their thinking is circular and not flat. I mean, we (westerners) think plano____________ in a straight line, always looking for bliss, does not exist. Well, they think in a circle (the yin and yang), always in a good thing there is something wrong and vice versa. They always think they are happy and let him be to go back to being happy, and not be re ...
MORAL: Let us be happy while we can, but if they cease to be, fighting to get to be happy again :-)
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