Querido Blog,
Vienen épocas de cambios. En estos últimos meses mi vida ha dado un giro muy importante y sin vuelta atrás. Desde que, AFORTUNADAMENTE, tuve la experiencia de vivir en Punto Fijo (Venezuela) durante un més nada es ya igual. Para bien o para mal en mi se inició un proceso de madurez que me lleva a transitar por muchas etapas y a reconocer en mi lo que quiero seguir teniendo y lo que no, tanto en mi vida como en mi mismo.
En estos meses me he dado cuenta de muchos errores que he cometido en los ultimos años, and who knows, maybe my whole life. Errors that are affecting me and my day to day. But deal with them is not always easy, because they are ingrained or learned in an unconscious and repeated almost mechanically.
errors with my family, errors with the people I love and who loves me, my career mistakes, mistakes in negotiations, investment mistakes, mistakes in trusting people who only sought to take advantage of my mistakes, mistakes in food, sports training, the attitude towards certain obstacles ... and every one of those errors, I'm responsible, either directly or indirectly.
But you know what better to make mistakes? You can correct . If you are aware of them and do not want in your life have the option to take several steps on them to correct them. I am not in favor of always looking back but forward (provided below) but if you believe in if you had a bad day yesterday, are not required to have it today. What if you spent 10 minutes someone your negativity is renewable. If you were wrong in telling your loved something ugly, you can turn you in the following minutes and say "Sorry, I'm stupid." What if you went wrong last year, need not go wrong with this ...
And you know when you make mistakes? when you compare with your answers. I am sure we'll overcome them, go correcting ... New will? Yeah, right. And then I get a new chance to watch me naked in the mirror and decide what to do with them. Perhaps many people will lose "the picture of your life" but if they do not realize the error that would be a mistake, if you want, correct or not. This is not your error. Thank you dear
Vienen épocas de cambios. En estos últimos meses mi vida ha dado un giro muy importante y sin vuelta atrás. Desde que, AFORTUNADAMENTE, tuve la experiencia de vivir en Punto Fijo (Venezuela) durante un més nada es ya igual. Para bien o para mal en mi se inició un proceso de madurez que me lleva a transitar por muchas etapas y a reconocer en mi lo que quiero seguir teniendo y lo que no, tanto en mi vida como en mi mismo.

En estos meses me he dado cuenta de muchos errores que he cometido en los ultimos años, and who knows, maybe my whole life. Errors that are affecting me and my day to day. But deal with them is not always easy, because they are ingrained or learned in an unconscious and repeated almost mechanically.
errors with my family, errors with the people I love and who loves me, my career mistakes, mistakes in negotiations, investment mistakes, mistakes in trusting people who only sought to take advantage of my mistakes, mistakes in food, sports training, the attitude towards certain obstacles ... and every one of those errors, I'm responsible, either directly or indirectly.
But you know what better to make mistakes? You can correct . If you are aware of them and do not want in your life have the option to take several steps on them to correct them. I am not in favor of always looking back but forward (provided below) but if you believe in if you had a bad day yesterday, are not required to have it today. What if you spent 10 minutes someone your negativity is renewable. If you were wrong in telling your loved something ugly, you can turn you in the following minutes and say "Sorry, I'm stupid." What if you went wrong last year, need not go wrong with this ...
And you know when you make mistakes? when you compare with your answers. I am sure we'll overcome them, go correcting ... New will? Yeah, right. And then I get a new chance to watch me naked in the mirror and decide what to do with them. Perhaps many people will lose "the picture of your life" but if they do not realize the error that would be a mistake, if you want, correct or not. This is not your error. Thank you dear
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