On 19 July, while still working at home, I saw a TV show that caught my attention since it began in his first season "Brave", on Channel 13.
But this chapter was able to boot me tears of emotion and to verify that the music and life are sometimes so intertwined that we can only hope to learn and enjoy the talents that are often wasted on an almost absurd.
Our country has a foreign culture, reactive. We rarely anticipate events, rarely think faster. Unfortunately, we are always activated when the circumstances are already given and because of that, sometimes we lose precious opportunities in every sphere of things.
's chapter "Brave" that feeling left me. This was how 3 small music lovers must fight, sometimes unevenly, to carry out its goal to become talented musicians. Told the story of the great violinist Brian Urra and two little brothers, with somewhat less virtuosity but with the same desire to be great, Manuel and Jeremiah Dott. All three are people of limited means who have been struggling all to go ahead with his dream and parents have had noteworthy. So surprised to see the brothers' father Dott, perhaps many will look at least for his job as sweeper in daily living, but showing every what being a parent guide, protector and courageous, accompanying their children in their sleep and despite each and every one of the obstacles that life puts you on top.
is where I think why life is so unfair to some. That's where I remember many people who were given every opportunity in the world and never took advantage, and those who did have the desire to grow were forgotten by a system.
is where I think why they wasted so much money from our budget on projects that do not reach their destination, in silver diverted, lost or wasted. For how much money is wasted in athletes who have never given up or that bad ideas created as the Transantiago.
Why we can not find those talents? Why we can not see that developing those talents will also be able to take out of poverty for some people and enhance our culture? Why are we unable to leave that task to others and not just a few patrons?
lot we have yet to reach that, but at least we should, as a society and state, make the effort. To be or aspire to be developed not only have no economic poverty but also, to have spiritual and cultural wealth.
To view the chapter, click on the following link:
http://todo13.13.cl/programas/ v3842.htm
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