09:00 am (25/06/2009)
begins another day, rough, dressed tasks, meetings and agendas that caught the days
every second. A sunny day with light. Chronicle began unexpectedly.
15:15 hours (25/06/2009)
Amid the vorágine diaria de pronto se detuvo el reloj... Parecía que el tic tac se había parado para siempre, sin rastros, sin explicación. Pero el corazón se aceleraba y las noticias volaban como en otra dimensión de tiempo y de luz. Comenzó a caer la noche, el tiempo aún seguía detenido en una cápsula de irrealidad.
18:25 horas (25/06/2009)
Ya había caído la noche con su implacable celeridad, con su innegable incertidumbre, ya no era aquella noche hermosa ni tranquila. El sol, la luna y la had closed their eyes tag to receive an angel. Her light had subsided. Time stood still with his deep respect for him walking slowly towards them, as though he thought that I should not go, as if he still wanted to return back ...
19:15 hours (25/06/2009)
The whispers came and went, the comments slipped in every look, the presses are jamming so much ink about the music paused for a moment to hear the sound of tears falling nearly quiet, afraid and expectant. Everything seemed to start become undesirable and conscious nightmare.
00:00 hours (26/06/2009)
Everything was said. The watch had stopped no matter the reason, the gap had made his triumphal entry and began to dance around in a maddening lethargy, offensive and arrogant . Nobody could explain, no one knew why a rainbow could disappear in a blink of an eye when we all expected him to shine its 7 colors ... The pain began to bounds, to GCA on unrealistic weight and let our own time run in our capsule of unreality, grief and regret.
19:27 am (20/96/2010)
the clock was broken ... It was no longer capable of resisting the fall of a tear on his tic tac ...
to you, where you are ....
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