Monday, March 1, 2010

Icing For Pain In Varicose Vein

the leader of your life (part 1)

Dear Blog.

This May has also been super intense, which I am profoundly grateful. I am in LA (Los Angeles, USA) for work reasons a city full of thousands of unforgettable experiences and sensations, in which I have already past, present and trust that a long future.

During these weeks I could begin to test this "renewal" that had its turning point in Mexico and which my unforgettable friend Pancho had "everything" to do and as a result got a new look about myself as I never had before: open, curious, happy, sad, brave, honest and above all, because for better or worse I am what I saw: the result of every effort, mistakes, successes, setbacks, joys, tears, laughter, the successes, the disappointments, noes, the lack of understanding, generosity, my career, the inability to know how to ask, passion, sex ... my blog.

One consequence of this "renewal" is the constant obversación of your day to day for errors and correcting them on the fly in the best way possible. This sounds "easy" it is extremely difficult because humans are animals contumbres and there are few things as difficult as changing the established habits. Realizing an error in the way you act is the first step to solve . Resent, punish, flagelarte, culpabilizarte only will serve as excuses to drag in your life over longer.

Today I share with you, dear blog, something I spent a few days ago: I realized that this life we \u200b\u200bhave two options: to be the leader of our life and be THE GUIDANCE. Of course I refieron broadly at different stages as we are one and the other another but having it will make clear our destiny and therefore our lives. I do not think there is a better option than the other: there are people who are born to be leaders and others who are born to be guided. If you are lucky enough to be consistent with it I'm sure your life will be much happier, but what happens when you look like a leader but really are a guide, or vice versa? and also What happens when you think have to be in a moment of your professional or personal life "guiding" but it really has to be "the leader"? simply because there is a conflict and "disaster" occurs.

As expressed above do not believe in autolamentación as a solution to problems or conflict situations. I believe in the RE-ACTION and solutions. A few days ago I noticed that in certain situations acted wrongly, as "guidance" when it should be "the leader" of my life, that when the horses bolted and everything seems gray is because surely no we are taking the right attitude to situations and I'm sure these horses will remain so until the grips firmly and coax, it is very innocent and a total loss of time to let them guide you. They will not, you lose even more and then have much more way to go. Firment takes the lead and go your way, for that matter. The errors were created to be corrected.

I leave one last thought:
If you have and are fighting a lot for your opportunity and you despair because they see it, is because they're in it .

NOTE: The photo accompanying this article is the visual artist I must thank the Dominican Jorge Nieto. Thank you very much for thinking me to it. You can see more of her work on her website


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