Tuesday, February 16, 2010

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Dear Blog,

One of the most repeated ideas in my blog is that related to the negativity that others try to infect your life.

I've met people who think that there are no bad people, everyone is good and that there is no envy, bad energy or negativity. I can categorically state I if there is positive energy, good people and good intentions, there is also the opposite.

There muchaaaaaaaaaaaa People who want things will go wrong, or at least that will be worse than him. People live forever comparing themselves to the next, or the fellow student, or the work, or brother, or the career of this or that person without realizing that ALL BIOGRAPHIES AND LIVES ARE FULLY different from each other. That your neighbor is better off than you does not mean anything in your life, or even are valid reference points to compare yourself.

many years ago when I arrived in Madrid gave me something that forever changed my view about the comparisons. I went to audition for a TV ad to which I had been shortlisted along with another 5 or 6 guys. When I arrived, literally, I want to die: ALL, to everyone else, was perfect: tall, super attractive, beautiful eyes, sculpted bodies, with experience before the camera and with that attitude of "yes, it's me" that made you lost the sense of why were you there. After checking that it was a mistake my citation I was looking at them and recognize that for the first time in my life compared to other people and talking to myself I said "Look Dani, You'll never be as high as this, nor will your eyes so blue as the other (mine are green), nor have the arm that is like my leg big, so you only have one option: relax and enjoy. " And so, while, contrary to my own intuition, it was I who took the campaign. My joy was immense and not just for work but because they had overcome this situation and not vice versa. From that moment I realized that I had someone who is taller, more handsome, smarter, better body, more beautiful eyes and a speech better than mine so ... to be compared? Not at all, only serves to enter a competition where you have already lost absurd.

From my point of view we just have to compete with us themselves, to excel and be better every day. Compare? Sure, because it grows the humans, but from a construction point of view. I do find someone who has something wonderful that I have, I try to have him make reference to one day have that gift or that skill I admire. Returning

negative people remember something, my dear blog: If you are near negative people is like being near a trash can that shit is not yours, but its smell will reach end sooner or later. Get away and see that you're not well, you have your own scent.

But beware, it is often those people who you least expect it but you must be cutting them away from your life much it hurts. I have a friend that once for my birthday gave me an article in the media (which incidentally is what I recommended and helped him start it) in which he congratulated me and I "wanted" all the best. "Ohhh how beautiful", I thought. But what would my surprise that not only published it, but (to the minute and soon!! After publishing) published a statement "anonymous" to dump all the jealous and evil that felt for me try to belittle. What I did not realize is that he should have from a different computer as easy to identify the IP super computers. For me it was a big disappointment but I'm super glad my life away, because a "friend" is someone who wants the best for you. Always. Life and puts us all in our place. His is far from me.

Well, Dear Blog, it is important to look ahead with hope, happiness, wanting, and especially with PASSION. That life really is short and we are obliged to live STRONGLY.

With love, from the cold and warm Berlin Berlinale.


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