36 degree heat, traffic hell and a little free time on my hands. I return home early, I see in passing to a friend and talk to someone important about everything and nothing.
Without wanting to start again forced to observe a hectic, hysterical and oppressive, a fast-paced comings and goings of hundreds of people charged. Just react and I realize that "it" is just Christmas.
A Christmas far from what should be ... Everybody runs, everybody is desperate and no one stops to think a second in the other, the stranger who can not or will not enter the consumer vertigo.
Has anyone thought that children do not even get an old toy or a cardboard box to play, or anyone does not have even one piece of fresh bread for dinner? Someone has stopped to think that there are people who will be alone, some sick and others that life could depend on a thread? I think not.
still have 10 days to 10 days to reflect and search the innocent joy of a child or an elderly grateful smile a little bit of that essence. It's time to realize that it is the gift material important, but our ability to provide each of the other commitment, time and love ...
That does not cost anything, it's free and fills the heart.
"I'm gonna make a change for eleven time in my life" .... ("Man in the Mirror", Michael Jackson)
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