Alexiis, March 22, 2011
As I mentioned to some of you in recent weeks I have been doing a thorough analysis and study interior, which of course I discovered that my conscious simply has buried a lot of information I had received in 2000 to study for Past Life Therapist.
suddenly arose my inner need to review this tutorial and I can assure you it is amazing what my conscious I did. All I can think of is that at the time as Anita was not able to evaluate what I learned. Today as Alexiis is different.
But the reason for this message is another, I was forwarding a material I got from a friend on glass, when suddenly the computer made a "click" and showed me that I convey the image above. How could it be? Do not understand, so now is my interpretation - fantasy? - Do not know, but for me it has another meaning.
My Higher Self is telling me the great light that was inside me and the violet flame is clearly to help clean off any remaining dark.
I felt the need to share this. Love, Alexiis
Channeled by Sorema
March 21, 2011
http://escritores -canalizadores.blogspot.com
I have been asked and I've done two workshops: "Meet our higher" for very interested and committed people themselves, integrates with the intention of meeting with their higher selves, and keeping themselves always consciously, this integration with their high involvement in all matters of everyday life.
At this time the trinity or triad of the years 2010-2011-2012, we are at the heart of this important time to take advantage of such high energy intensive, they are playing all the consciences of human beings and especially the most conscious and Lightworkers for an ongoing commitment to your higher self.
These two meeting results have been surprisingly with beneficial for all, well above expectations, and most participants expressed very excited that this meeting was for them before and after the entire course of their lives.
The last meeting was Thursday, March 20, and as always, with a constant collaboration with my band of angels in my service, they are always doing that work so hard to provide matching known each other, resulting in this case, the right people for these meetings, 14 in the first and 18 in the second, which in turn had asked these people loved this decisive match for them.
with my crew I have agreed that when they do their work with all willing, and being with all his love to me, make me watch the clock, and I see the number 33 and the day came 20 to a meeting with the group, and looked at my watch: 8:33 am ... and then after all, to the satisfaction of performing a service to its benefit far more than expected for all ... back to my house make me look at the clock: 20:33 ... and my gratitude to my crew is great ... thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you ... and while giving thanks, I get to my home, and I say ...
My dear brother ... all the beings of light we are in service with you, we give you our gratitude and love for your commitment and dedicated service at this time, and I can tell, there are many years that we are at your service, as you well know and call us, "Your gang of angels at your service."
This crew, we will demonstrate our presence and our constant love, and taking the opportunity of this direct communication, to transmit you our joy of poderte serve in all that you decide to create in helping others and this made very valuable for all those who receive, and appreciation is much wider than you can imagine, and what you get as a thank you to them.
is why we love you say everything that you do not perceive them and we feel all this love for one another in a minimum of its real nature, but we like to refer to this love they give you, but to benefit your cause delivery of knowledge from the heart, lived for yourself and exposed the easiest and most direct way to open hearts.
you want to convey what you already know or you think, and know that you do not mind the results, but we who have to touch such dedication to the beings that they will communicate with you, we are pleased that at the end, all result is much greater than expected, and that makes us feel very, very pleased to able to help you in your service of love to others.
Your emotion that you can not resist now that externalize it is because you get to fill all our love, right now, and that is precisely what we offer, all show love thanks for poderte serve with so much love for your event to them and to us, always with your constant gratitude to us, who always receive and keep in our heart forever.
- Do not expose this you will wait in the Blog?
Why not? ... should know all the union there between the two sides equal, we are we are working with you in everything you do, and enjoyed being able to do, but our work is different, but full cooperation is a perfect unity of you and we with much love deployed equally. We are your crew
angels at your service, well you know us and know that the number may be unimaginable at times, as the need to do what you are creating, as has been long together, you know when you touch on the shoulder or give you a hug, because I do know in a physical way that you always receive it, and we thanked him with much love towards us.
It is for this reason that today we want you to know that you can receive our pipeline, we have always been apart of the written submissions and do this, but both your constant appreciation to us by our work that we can not hold and tell you everything we receive from you, which is always more than you receive from us.
Yes ... we all are, and we are many, sending our love at this time ... and again ... can not contain your emotion with tears of great joy ... we do not hold back ... here you are also crying for joy ... because we are all united with pure love our service heart to heart.
our brother, just wanted you felt the love that we are so exposed and offered in our service together, and this is bearing fruit in love and committed to expand the enlarged more and more people that receive it, enlarge and expand to others turn to others and himself, unable to stop the great expansion that causes the start made by you and us, the crew at your service, in this union of all with a great love free.
My brother, I am the conscience of those who compose the crew of angels at your service, and you know we always feel and almost touch us at all times, and in this last service, your gratitude and love towards us has come even closer to you, and we just wanted you to know that we too are equally grateful for you to collaborate with you in all your loving service to others.
My brother, do not we say goodbye to you, you know that we are in constant communication and action of all that is needed, and our love is and will always be enlarging this service
Unit ... We are ... awareness of the crew Angels at your service ...
March 19, 2011 8:34 a.m.
brothers and sisters of the groups, circles, everyone is seeing and feeling the movements as strong energy and daily rainfall across the Earth, and we, in Groups-Circles as Lightworkers, we are united with the same feeling of helping all that we can ...
And before we have really serious situation, and from Groups, Circles, we have special intention of sending our energy from United Light and Love for the highest good of Gaia and all mankind.
is suggested, these days, everyone in his country early in the day, we have meditation groups, circles, and stay as far as possible, the high vibration and united with all groups throughout the day , which we will be joining us all during the day, from different times and nations from each / a. Groups-Circles
only shows you how important it is from day 20 to take advantage of energy we have at our disposal.
"The equinoxes and solstices of 2011 are exceptionally powerful and multipurpose. They are catalysts and triggers of the Ascension. These days of great power should be used for prayer and meditation group and certainly for a thorough self-review. The solstices and equinoxes left in the next two years are complex and full of multiple Ascension holographic inserts for both humanity and the planet. We assure you that these astrological events are infinitely more powerful than the equinoxes and solstices of the past millennia. The urge each of you to discern and use as suggested. Meet these days and the power of group consciousness will flourish exponentially. "
time when, for being the sun on Ecuador, the days are equal to those nights around the Earth, which occurs annually from 20 to 21 March and from 22 to 23 September.
Archangel Metatron via James
Tyberonn Who I Am ... a piece of God.
Channeled by Sorema
March 17, 2011
Here and now, in every place on Earth, the universal energy of Superior beings together, to give courage and clarity that you need at the moment, and to tell you that everything is as expected for yourselves, the end this cycle of human history, yet what is going to clean, heal, and yet It can finish the old and the new cycle start back to consciousness of God the Father-Mother.
You are the creators of all that is happening, because energy moves toward higher need, and though I look like a terrible situation, it is only necessary change to the balance of a higher state, that is how the energy set to end and change everything that is not appropriate for the new state.
We, your Higher Selves in unity, we are taking our responsibility to create what is in your souls have always been cheering, but right now the current time, decide what among all consider what is best for all mankind , we are the ones we have to create our own reality, from the bottom of our hearts that is where we all want and create it.
But we all know that first we have to go through the cleansing and healing of all that does not belong to this new reality that we create, and that is where everything we're seeing is the inevitable end result of achieving this state more high, for the benefit of all humanity and Gaia itself in its regeneration and the creation of anything new to come.
is much that must change as energy is not appropriate for the new system of life on New Earth, and first this cleanup is very costly in lives and material disaster, but vital their need for balance, and for that we say, not grieve much and you see only catastrophes and human loss, but also the beginning of the new improved construction unit.
Everything that is happening is to achieve unity of all humanity that wants to raise your consciousness, and everything will be happening, because if we unite all hearts in this day, nothing bad would happen tomorrow, but as not, you are those who establecéis the best way to get to that desired by all.
not grieve much with the transition from human ones, and all the suffering that is causing the necessary events, is very transient however, are the body is not destroyed, are the glorious live energy and drive back to your Higher Self, and go on creating other more subtle bodies with the stuff you are already starting to create in all its glory in a New Earth, and so will follow, creating new light bodies to populate it with the love that we all already do so.
All Higher Selves are taking our power to love our great States, and this power in Unity, is none other than the power of God the Father-Mother in divine manifestation from within the same subject, being the source which are also all the souls of all your teachers ever, as committed to each of you throughout the course of your entire evolution, to whom our gratitude is forever and forever.
So, my brothers in unity, we are removing the veil that so long you have had with apparent loneliness, and now, without the veil, the truth comes out all over the place with the power of love, and this force of Love does recognize and bind to all those who have always been very active in every way possible with the human manifestation of good will, with the conscious union of his divinity.
This time unit of our Divinity, from our position outside of time and space, we have no religion or anything other than unity of heart, therefore, all mankind are united by the Higher Beings, which from our vantage point, we see the trappings of power and control organizations, and we, not to fight among ourselves but to unite only the love of the heart, not by beliefs that separate us without any sense that we say
That my brothers is the most important thing we have to consider now that we are all united from the soul, not beliefs, are united by what we feel the heart of everyone, and that's how all your higher selves are constantly telling you, you listen to them, to see the truth shall make you free.
So I, who I am you, and can better understand me, I say that I am the united consciousness of your higher selves, but also in the awareness I, Jeshua, and all the Guides and Masters of Light, always have been helping you in your constantly changing all time.
For all this, I want to say how important it is and that you feel this unity of heart that is created outside of time and space matter and comprehend very well, what is created here first with your Higher Selves together, is what then leads to the manifestation in the field, and in these times, we are all united forever and, above all different beliefs, and all kinds of partisan interests disjoint.
My brothers, this message is to inform you that we are working all together, the united consciousness of all your Higher Selves, all your guides and teachers ever, and as you know, I, Jeshua, I'm always with your Higher in this hand, and the great love of your hearts beating together in unison, with the same wonderful music you are creating from the subject of your physical bodies.
So my friends, siblings, children, colleagues, and not me or you or him ... we, as a single consciousness, the source can make the water alive, and this living water is increasingly yourself, too also in the same small part that lives in your physical body, you are also changing and cleaning, as Gaia, to accommodate increasingly part of your own Higher Power, which is no other power than the power of God the Father "Mother, with its glorious manifestation in the field.
us at the end of the course of this cycle of evolution on Earth, and this time of purification affects you emotionally, but more and more to identify yourselves as your part divided into the body and outside it, will go changing this suffering and trasmutareis with the glorious truth of love in everything that is happening, each giving their transition and the other suffering from blindness, but all in the same plan to remove the veil that leaves you not see the glorious truth behind all this, of Light and Love to all.
All they are doing the voluntary transition already established themselves, then prepare to come back on the field with the New Earth, and these will also be the new builders of the new creation, so all are on the site have decided for this time, each are in the place you have to put your hand to create what is necessary, in the events now and then.
You can understand my brothers, when you are creating a great work, builders, specialists in each mission and all those involved in its creation, can not be interfering with each other, because each is specialized in creating necessary at a given moment, and then retire to make way for the following specialists for the next step creation of the same work, and so each will leave the site free to those who are doing their work in every moment of the creation of the work of all.
Thus, the work of creating the New Earth is creating with the Divine wisdom of your higher selves together, the source of God the Father-Mother, simplifying the terms creators in this current reality, this being what is most interested be clear in your part of creation that you are intervening at this time.
You are seeing for yourself that the veil is disappearing, and the truth is visible to all who want to see, and all the Higher Selves together you are exposing a way to bring Heaven to Earth, all that is necessary and you are willing to create as part of us, from the physical body in the field, with your constant aim to have this unit in every moment of your day. We unveiled
... who I am ... "Us" ... in our freedom ... a piece of God ... in a bit of Gaia ...
Alexiis, March 17, 2011
not know if this was a pipe, but suddenly I was united with the whole group of Goddesses Light and all the female energy, led by Mother Mary, and was asked to express in words what we were doing.
We were joined by all the Masters, all Beings of Light, Beings from other galaxies, everyone, absolutely everyone to surround GAIA and absorb all the toxic emanation coming from nuclear facilities in Japan. We
absorbed and transformábamos in Light and Love to help address the serious GAIA danger. Audio is
I will ask everyone to report this as possible, to upload to blogs, to every place possible and that we touches on our part to help in saving Mother Earth. Today
mention just one of my blogs, but I can divulge where and ask them to do the same. This is not my request but all the Goddess Light, feminine and masculine energy, and if there are people who can translate into other languages, Biévène be.
Love, Alexiis
Alexiis, March 15, 2011
thing he expected was to receive a message even now, are two thirty in the morning but the feeling was so strong that I logged on and showed my beloved Master Tobias, or rather his soul.
During many times has helped me at critical times is not surprising that wine now. The audio is as follows
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=AHBMFJEMThe text is in my blog. Love, Alexiis
Channeled by Sorema
In Group-Circle Assistant transition ", we are seeing that many disembodied souls are constantly at the same time, and we see the difficulty of serving the best that we can, and for that I ask my Higher consultation ... putting me in touch with him, to give us light in this service ...
energy we are, the higher self, we beyond time and space, but 11 parts of this energy that we, are living experiences from within physical bodies in different places or dimensions at once, with the events needed to evolve, and all that is achieved with experiences of the 11 parties that received wisdom is forever, central power No. 12, the higher self.
Thus, the higher self can be in 12 places at once, and many more ... When you decide to help the departed souls ... going to the Grand Prairie-safe, and you enter the IGHLUZ, and IGHLUZ, also is a free energy and increasingly expanded and powerful at your service ... you can be in many places the time ... Being in the IGHLUZ
from the Great Meadow, IGHLUZ energy leads you to all the sites that Metro needs your help to turn the way they have done in the past, but now, your Higher beings are united in the IGHLUZ, and it is your parts, your energy, which, combined with the power moves IGHLUZ all sites where the souls most in need, while de estar vuestros Seres Superiores unidos en el IGHLUZ de la Gran Pradera.
Y este servicio, lo podéis hacer todos los días unos minutos, el grupo “Ayudantes de Transición” que estáis comprometidos, y todos los que se quieran unir a este grupo diariamente, o los días que quieran y a la hora que puedan… y así, contesto a la pregunta que hace tiempo estábamos esperando, pero como siempre, tiene que salir de vosotros la intención y el compromiso, y después, estamos todos vuestros Seres Superiores y un infinito de seres de Luz, esperando vuestra decisión para ayudaros.
Con esta nueva aclaración de mi Yo Superior, y la que me dio anteriormente, for which we are doing this service to help our brothers disembodied, you see, first, we go to the Great Meadow, and there is IGHLUZ, this powerful energy IGHLUZ leads us to different places needed, and there , it forms a soft, golden light that surrounds us all very light and attracts souls who have left their physical bodies.
As they approach, they say they have left the physical body, and we can help you to go home where their loved ones and friends, which also left their physical bodies before, and all they want are entering very confident IGHLUZ energy and is enlarged as their need, being a very warm and friendly energy, with great peace, is like a decompression chamber, which helps the souls and prepare for connection to your own inner light, before turning to the Light of the home.
Once voluntarily enter all you want in this IGHLUZ energy, and we with our light around it, where are all peaceful, very calm and confident, starts to emerge a very white light that pervades gradually changing the whole place IGHLUZ, and all the disembodied pass this light slowly home.
Then IGHLUZ energy returns to its natural form, and brings us back to the Great Meadow, with our higher selves ... we embrace and we returned to our physical reality everyone involved, until the next day ...
The Group-Circle Transition Helpers " will be a few minutes every day, helping where necessary with this service.
With love we're going with this statement to all those who want to join this and many other support groups that exist, each with its own peculiar way, as he says Alexiis individual or group with this group-Circle , anyway, the important thing is that we are all united with Light and Love of our presence, every day that you should believe you can join this group "Circle" Transition Helpers "or just the days you need more help to our brothers misled much needed in these difficult moments.
A hug ... feeling the great love of our hearts together ... Sorema.