Monday, November 29, 2010
Meeting People In Lake Tahoe
5000 visits .... Today 29, a lucky number for me.
Could today be the first day of a change of direction? Totally yes. (And I speak particularly of course of my life)
Today begins a new life for someone very important in my life, today begins a new path with a longer positive and encouraging that a few months ago, Good for him!
Starts Today "The Canvi" in the Catalan government I hope is the beginning of the output of this severe crisis that we "crush" on a daily ...
And my friend Bienve Chincha (for the Madrid), and today we're going to see the Barça - Madrid the field (20 years ago we see the derby together), we're going to get a car Goals! :-)
Monday, November 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Wish In Romanian
My uncle, a great person ... who taught me much of the positive part of life, who lived hard, and let me share good times with him. With the beginning of my passion for Barça , in the good times family, with my first contact with the world of work in his shop lamps, began to change my brother's life, with the duplex UD sponsored Mataronesa ... now without it, life will be a little more empty, but as he would not allow it, fill it with your best memories. A kiss on the go ...
can mourn because he's gone or you can smile because she lived ...
You can close your eyes and pray that again or you can open them to see everything that has left ...
Your heart can be empty because you can not see or can be filled with the love we share ...
can mourn, close your mind, feel the emptiness or to give back, or you can do what he'd like ...
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Automatic Ignition Starter
This November, has been, after a time of turmoil, "the month of Canvi" for a very important person in my life. Ten years down the road fighting a disease that from this day is over, evolve to something better. All this has been achieved with the magic formula:
Control Positivity + constant = Evolutionary Continuous Improvement. (MEC)
Another path starts now, and that is to discover, yet still unknown, fills the whole family, friends and acquaintances of hope, strength and positivity ...
Monday, November 8, 2010
Free Plans To Build Sand Buggy

Friday, November 5, 2010
Sharp Wrist Pain With Pressure

Both have promoted all over the upcoming release of "Michael", the Michael Jackson's new album, trouble with their respective interests, it is almost impossible to abstract from commenting.
This time, yes, I will not comment at all its contents. It would be impossible to do because I have not heard the material. However, although it sounds like prejudice, there exists material (no doubt which is of excellent quality) did not meet the approval of the artist. Those who know him know that only authorized to publish what he considered excellent within its own requirements and parameters.
This time I'm interested in commenting on the cover design. Obviously a superficial view, need to know the whole design of the cover, but for now, the top is what has been released and is what finally becomes visible on his face.
Viewing cover at first sight recalls the visual concept of the famous and successful album "Dangerous" for the type of use of the images. But seeing it at greater length and one can begin to see that it is simply a gathering of iconographic images of the singer in history. Sure, "Dangerous" contains a whole concept and justification for the use of each of the pictures, but here it sounds more in search of an easy solution to design a cover. In fact, I believe that there is a communication blunder in the final image content, as album cover shows almost like a compilation, which is not at all, because it is new songs.
there a treatment of the image that appears to be substance in illustration, but frankly there are some left to be desired, as the central image in a costume of Prince Michael, and one that inevitably leaps to the eye, which is an image of Thriller. More than a good illustration gives the impression of an indiscriminate use some Photoshop filters. The same "Dangerous" and "Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band "are good examples of the concepts behind the work rather than a simple collection of images from different moments in the career of a singer. The truth seems to pop a small group rather than a fixture of the music like Michael Jackson.
On the other hand, due to circumstances that we all know, I guess the purpose of this record, beyond the obvious and evident, is to capture the attention of the millions of fans, many of which are quite reluctant to the company label, but if that were the objective, looking more like the cover away to encourage the purchase of the disc. For younger fans may be, but I think they look more a compilation than a new disc.
There are much more sober, having designed a lid with a lot more content, more so considering that the artist is gone. Could have been the opportunity to show restraint and respect for him and not try to "do a flip like he was making the record" .... Michael would have approved? Frankly I doubt it, after seeing tapas as well designed as the "Off the wall", "Dangerous" or "Invincible" and why his ideas wandered. There was no detail to escape him. Obviously he designed them, but approved of when he found that there was consistency with what he wanted to convey.
Finally, I think there is a fairly light work at the top. He could have done something much better, but hey, we know that the best is gone, what is here is just a sample below the threshold the same artist, but also know that this is a business, you have to take advantage of every slice. And do not doubt that all who want it.
But anyway, is what you get, unfortunately.